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Title Review of Particle Properties, 1968 Aug
Later titleReview of Particle Physics
Author(s) Barash-Schmidt, Naomi (UC, Berkeley) ; Barbaro-Galtieri, Angela (UC, Berkeley) ; Price, LeRoy R (UC, Berkeley) ; Rosenfeld, Arthur Hinton (UC, Berkeley) ; Söding, Paul (UC, Berkeley) ; Wohl, Charles G (UC, Berkeley) ; Roos, Matts (CERN)
Corporate author(s) Particle Data Group. Berkeley
Publication 1968
Subject code 5.081:539.12
Subject category Particle Physics
Keywords RPP
Abstract This review of the properties of leptons, mesons, and baryons is an updating of Rosenfeld et al. Rev. Mod. Phys. 40, 77 (1968) with minor changes. Data are evaluated, listed, averaged, and summarized in tables and wallet sheets. A data booklet is also available.


 Záznam vytvorený 2004-08-11, zmenený 2018-08-02

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