A Monochromatic electron neutrino beam (p. 2) |
by Lindroos, Mats |
Rare Particle Searches with the high altitude SLIM experiment (p. 18) |
by Balestra, S |
Search for solar axions : the CAST experiment at CERN(p. 22) |
by Beltran, Berta |
Final state QCD studies at LEP : Part I(p. 38) |
by Abreu, Pedro |
The transverse-momentum distribution of the Higgs boson at the LHC (p. 45) |
by Grazzini, M |
Study of hadronic final states at LEP (p. 49) |
by Giunta, Marina |
Electron structure function at LEP energies (p. 61) |
by Szumlak, Tomasz |
Final state QCD studies at LEP : Part II(p. 62) |
by Anjos, Nuno |
Beauty in gamma gamma at LEP and determination of the b quark mass (p. 71) |
by Andreev, Valeri P |
Studies of Higgs production through Weak Boson Fusion at the LHC (p. 78) |
by Piccinini, Fulvio |
Charm spectroscopy at BaBar (p. 79) |
by Altenburg, D |
Hadronic tau decay at BaBar (p. 80) |
by Igonkina, O |
Search for Pentaquarks in the Hadronic Decays of the Z Boson with the DELPHI detector at LEP (p. 84) |
by Pukhaev, N |
Recent results on hadronic physics from NA48 (p. 96) |
by Lazzeroni, Cristina |
Rho-rho production in two-photon collisions (p. 112) |
by Freudenreich, Klaus |
Measurement with hadron beams at COMPASS (p. 116) |
by Ferrero, Andrea |
Spin Physics with COMPASS (p. 117) |
by Pretz, Jörg |
Recent measurement of $\Delta G/G$ at COMPASS (p. 118) |
by Procureur, Sebastien |
Recent Results from the NA49 experiment (p. 125) |
by Blume, C. |
Latest results from NA57 (p. 126) |
by Eugenio Bruno, Giuseppe |
$\Upsilon$ and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at 450 GeV incident energy (p. 129) |
by Cortese, Pietro |
Intermediate mass dimuon production in Indium-Indium collisions at the CERN SPS (p. 131) |
by Shahoyan, Ruben |
Low mass dimuon production in proton-nucleus and Indium-Indium collisions (p. 132) |
by Wöhri, Hermine |
J/psi suppression in Indium-Indium collisions at SPS energies (p. 133) |
by Lourenço, Carlos |
Charged particle indentification in the ALICE experiment (p. 143) |
by Nappi, Eugenio |
Heavy Ion Physics with the ATLAS Detector (p. 144) |
by Olszewski, A |
Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS detector at the LHC (p. 145) |
by Roland, Christof |
Searches for Branons at LEP (p. 153) |
by Mele, S |
Displacement Operator Formalism (p. 163) |
by Papavassiliou, Joannis |
Status of the OPERA experiment (p. 177) |
by Di Capua, Francesco |
Physics Reach with a Monochromatic Neutrino Beam from Electron Capture (p. 182) |
by Bernabeu, J. |
Electroweak Penguin Hunting Through $B\to\pi\pi,\pi Ky$ and Rare K and B Decays (p. 193) |
by Buras, Andrzej J. |
The $B \to \pi$ form factor from light-cone sum rules in soft-collinear effective theory (p. 215) |
by Hurth, Tobias |
Charm physics with the CHORUS experiment (p. 217) |
by De Lellis, Giovanni |
Production of Xi_c^0 and Xi_b in Z decays and lifetime measurement of Xi_b (p. 228) |
by Berntzon, Lisa |
Excited b-hadrons and search for $\eta_{b}$ in two-photon collisions at DELPHI (p. 232) |
by Moch, Markus |
The Unitarity Triangle through $B_d\to \rho^{\pm} \pi^{\mp}$ decays (p. 246) |
by Safir, A.Salim |
BaBar : Direct CPV searches(p. 247) |
by Mir, L M |
$b \to d$ Penguins : CP Violation, General Lower Bounds on the Branching Ratios and Standard Model Tests(p. 255) |
by Fleischer, Robert |
Measurement of $Br(K_{S} \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0})$ and limit on the CP violating decay $Br(K_{S} \to 3\pi^{0})$ (p. 263) |
by Wache, Martin |
Recent results on Direct CP Violation and charged kaon decays with the NA48/2 experiment (p. 265) |
by Lamanna, Gianluca |
CP Violation and Rare B decays at ATLAS (p. 273) |
by Malek, F |
Towards the NNLL precision in $\bar B \to X_s \gamma$ (p. 275) |
by Asatrian, Hrachia M. |
Phenomenological study of the double radiative decay $B ->K\gamma\gamma$ (p. 277) |
by Hiller, Gudrun |
Measurement of the Running of the Electromagnetic Coupling at LEP (p. 286) |
by Mele, Salvatore |
Measurement of the ratio $R_{K}$ between the branching ratio of $K^{\pm} \to e^{\pm} \nu$ and $K^{\pm} \to \mu^{\pm}\nu$ decays at NA48/2 (p. 288) |
by Fiorini, Luca |
NA48 results on semileptonic decays and extraction of $|V_{us}|$ (p. 289) |
by Winhart, Andreas |
Tau lepton physics at LEP (p. 290) |
by Zhang, Zhiging |
Precision Physics with the ATLAS detector at LHC (p. 294) |
by Pralavorio, Pascal |
Potential of Standard Model measurements with CMS (p. 295) |
by D'Hondt, Jorgen |
W mass and width from LEP (p. 301) |
by Gupta, Ambreesh |
(Anomalous) Gauge boson couplings (p. 302) |
by Delmeire, Evelyne |
Fermion pair production at LEP II (p. 303) |
by Boyko, Igor |
Bose-Einstein correlations and color reconnection in hadronic W (p. 304) |
by Ströhmer, Raimund |
Search for Excited fermions (p. 313) |
by Tomé, Bernardo |
Searching for Z' and model discrimination in ATLAS (p. 323) |
by Trocmé, B |
Search for CP Violating neutral Higgs bosons in the MSSM at LEP (p. 325) |
by Bechtle, Philip |
Measurements of the Higgs properties at ATLAS (p. 327) |
by Conde-Muíño, Patricia |
Flavour independent Search for Hadronically decaying Higgs Bosons (p. 328) |
by van Vulpen, Ivo |
Search for anomalously coupling and fermiophobic Higgs Bosons (p. 331) |
by Delaere, Christophe |
Discovery Potential of MSSM Higgs Bosons with ATLAS (p. 338) |
by Haller, Johannes |
Search for Gauginos and Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking Scenarios at LEP (p. 346) |
by Pasztor, Gabriella |
SUSY signatures at ATLAS (p. 350) |
by Borjanovic, I |
R&D on Multi-TeV Linear Collider, Status and Perspectives (p. 362) |
by Corsini, Roberto |
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Road to Physics (p. 369) |
by Gomes, Agostinho |
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 370) |
by Cavallari, Francesca |
Test beam results from ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter series modules (p. 371) |
by Tartarelli, Francesco |
Readout Electronics for the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (p. 373) |
by Campagnolo, Roberto |
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb (p. 375) |
by Papanestis, Antonis |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : Overview and Status(p. 378) |
by Klein, Katja |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker - Overview and Status (p. 378) |
by Klein, Katja |
The silicon vertex telescope of the NA60 experiment (p. 379) |
by David, Andre |
Backsplash studies for the SPD subdetector of LHCb (p. 383) |
by Calvo-Gomez, Miriam |
ATLAS Inner Detector reconstruction and analysis with data from the combined test beam (p. 384) |
by González-Sevilla, S |
Physics Validation of LHC Simulations (p. 387) |
by Ribon, Alberto |
The CMS Muon System (p. 389) |
by Colaleo, Anna |
Test, Integration and Commissioning of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer (p. 390) |
by Dubbert, J |
The first-level trigger of ATLAS (p. 391) |
by Haller, Johannes |
The CMS Trigger System (p. 392) |
by Varela, Joao |
Grid Computing in CMS (p. 393) |
by Hernandez, Jose |
ATLAS Data Challenges : large-scale productions on the Grid(p. 394) |
by Goossens, Luc |
Physics Beyond the Standard Model (p. 399) |
by Rattazzi, Riccardo |
LHC Expectations (Machine, Detectors and Physics) (p. 401) |
by Dissertori, G |
Cosmology (including neutrino mass limits) : a particle theorist’s viewpoint(p. 403) |
by Veneziano, Gabriele |
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb |
by Papanestis, Antonis |
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : Overview and Status |
by Klein, Katja |
Measurement of the CKM angle $alpha$ at BABAB |
by Yéche, C |
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb |
by Papanestis, Antonis |