CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics
Related conference title(s) High-Energy Physics
HEP 2005
EPS-HEP 2005
Date(s), location 21 - 27 Jul 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference contact J. Bernabeu, Chair; LIP - HEP2005 Av. Elias Garcia, 14 - 1 P-1000-149 Lisboa, Portugal
email: [email protected]
fax: +351-21-793-4631
phone: +351-21-797-3880
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Trieste : SISSA, 2006
Series (Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics ; 23)
In: PoS HEP2005 (2006)
Subject category Particle Physics

Contributions in Inspire: C05-07-21
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

A Monochromatic electron neutrino beam (p. 2)
by Lindroos, Mats
Rare Particle Searches with the high altitude SLIM experiment (p. 18)
by Balestra, S
Search for solar axions : the CAST experiment at CERN(p. 22)
by Beltran, Berta
Final state QCD studies at LEP : Part I(p. 38)
by Abreu, Pedro
The transverse-momentum distribution of the Higgs boson at the LHC (p. 45)
by Grazzini, M
Study of hadronic final states at LEP (p. 49)
by Giunta, Marina
Electron structure function at LEP energies (p. 61)
by Szumlak, Tomasz
Final state QCD studies at LEP : Part II(p. 62)
by Anjos, Nuno
Beauty in gamma gamma at LEP and determination of the b quark mass (p. 71)
by Andreev, Valeri P
Studies of Higgs production through Weak Boson Fusion at the LHC (p. 78)
by Piccinini, Fulvio
Charm spectroscopy at BaBar (p. 79)
by Altenburg, D
Hadronic tau decay at BaBar (p. 80)
by Igonkina, O
Search for Pentaquarks in the Hadronic Decays of the Z Boson with the DELPHI detector at LEP (p. 84)
by Pukhaev, N
Recent results on hadronic physics from NA48 (p. 96)
by Lazzeroni, Cristina
Rho-rho production in two-photon collisions (p. 112)
by Freudenreich, Klaus
Measurement with hadron beams at COMPASS (p. 116)
by Ferrero, Andrea
Spin Physics with COMPASS (p. 117)
by Pretz, Jörg
Recent measurement of $\Delta G/G$ at COMPASS (p. 118)
by Procureur, Sebastien
Recent Results from the NA49 experiment (p. 125)
by Blume, C.
Latest results from NA57 (p. 126)
by Eugenio Bruno, Giuseppe
$\Upsilon$ and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at 450 GeV incident energy (p. 129)
by Cortese, Pietro
Intermediate mass dimuon production in Indium-Indium collisions at the CERN SPS (p. 131)
by Shahoyan, Ruben
Low mass dimuon production in proton-nucleus and Indium-Indium collisions (p. 132)
by Wöhri, Hermine
J/psi suppression in Indium-Indium collisions at SPS energies (p. 133)
by Lourenço, Carlos
Charged particle indentification in the ALICE experiment (p. 143)
by Nappi, Eugenio
Heavy Ion Physics with the ATLAS Detector (p. 144)
by Olszewski, A
Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS detector at the LHC (p. 145)
by Roland, Christof
Searches for Branons at LEP (p. 153)
by Mele, S
Displacement Operator Formalism (p. 163)
by Papavassiliou, Joannis
Status of the OPERA experiment (p. 177)
by Di Capua, Francesco
Physics Reach with a Monochromatic Neutrino Beam from Electron Capture (p. 182)
by Bernabeu, J.
Electroweak Penguin Hunting Through $B\to\pi\pi,\pi Ky$ and Rare K and B Decays (p. 193)
by Buras, Andrzej J.
The $B \to \pi$ form factor from light-cone sum rules in soft-collinear effective theory (p. 215)
by Hurth, Tobias
Charm physics with the CHORUS experiment (p. 217)
by De Lellis, Giovanni
Production of Xi_c^0 and Xi_b in Z decays and lifetime measurement of Xi_b (p. 228)
by Berntzon, Lisa
Excited b-hadrons and search for $\eta_{b}$ in two-photon collisions at DELPHI (p. 232)
by Moch, Markus
The Unitarity Triangle through $B_d\to \rho^{\pm} \pi^{\mp}$ decays (p. 246)
by Safir, A.Salim
BaBar : Direct CPV searches(p. 247)
by Mir, L M
$b \to d$ Penguins : CP Violation, General Lower Bounds on the Branching Ratios and Standard Model Tests(p. 255)
by Fleischer, Robert
Measurement of $Br(K_{S} \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0})$ and limit on the CP violating decay $Br(K_{S} \to 3\pi^{0})$ (p. 263)
by Wache, Martin
Recent results on Direct CP Violation and charged kaon decays with the NA48/2 experiment (p. 265)
by Lamanna, Gianluca
CP Violation and Rare B decays at ATLAS (p. 273)
by Malek, F
Towards the NNLL precision in $\bar B \to X_s \gamma$ (p. 275)
by Asatrian, Hrachia M.
Phenomenological study of the double radiative decay $B ->K\gamma\gamma$ (p. 277)
by Hiller, Gudrun
Measurement of the Running of the Electromagnetic Coupling at LEP (p. 286)
by Mele, Salvatore
Measurement of the ratio $R_{K}$ between the branching ratio of $K^{\pm} \to e^{\pm} \nu$ and $K^{\pm} \to \mu^{\pm}\nu$ decays at NA48/2 (p. 288)
by Fiorini, Luca
NA48 results on semileptonic decays and extraction of $|V_{us}|$ (p. 289)
by Winhart, Andreas
Tau lepton physics at LEP (p. 290)
by Zhang, Zhiging
Precision Physics with the ATLAS detector at LHC (p. 294)
by Pralavorio, Pascal
Potential of Standard Model measurements with CMS (p. 295)
by D'Hondt, Jorgen
W mass and width from LEP (p. 301)
by Gupta, Ambreesh
(Anomalous) Gauge boson couplings (p. 302)
by Delmeire, Evelyne
Fermion pair production at LEP II (p. 303)
by Boyko, Igor
Bose-Einstein correlations and color reconnection in hadronic W (p. 304)
by Ströhmer, Raimund
Search for Excited fermions (p. 313)
by Tomé, Bernardo
Searching for Z' and model discrimination in ATLAS (p. 323)
by Trocmé, B
Search for CP Violating neutral Higgs bosons in the MSSM at LEP (p. 325)
by Bechtle, Philip
Measurements of the Higgs properties at ATLAS (p. 327)
by Conde-Muíño, Patricia
Flavour independent Search for Hadronically decaying Higgs Bosons (p. 328)
by van Vulpen, Ivo
Search for anomalously coupling and fermiophobic Higgs Bosons (p. 331)
by Delaere, Christophe
Discovery Potential of MSSM Higgs Bosons with ATLAS (p. 338)
by Haller, Johannes
Search for Gauginos and Gauge Mediated SUSY Breaking Scenarios at LEP (p. 346)
by Pasztor, Gabriella
SUSY signatures at ATLAS (p. 350)
by Borjanovic, I
R&D on Multi-TeV Linear Collider, Status and Perspectives (p. 362)
by Corsini, Roberto
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Road to Physics (p. 369)
by Gomes, Agostinho
The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 370)
by Cavallari, Francesca
Test beam results from ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter series modules (p. 371)
by Tartarelli, Francesco
Readout Electronics for the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (p. 373)
by Campagnolo, Roberto
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb (p. 375)
by Papanestis, Antonis
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : Overview and Status(p. 378)
by Klein, Katja
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker - Overview and Status (p. 378)
by Klein, Katja
The silicon vertex telescope of the NA60 experiment (p. 379)
by David, Andre
Backsplash studies for the SPD subdetector of LHCb (p. 383)
by Calvo-Gomez, Miriam
ATLAS Inner Detector reconstruction and analysis with data from the combined test beam (p. 384)
by González-Sevilla, S
Physics Validation of LHC Simulations (p. 387)
by Ribon, Alberto
The CMS Muon System (p. 389)
by Colaleo, Anna
Test, Integration and Commissioning of Monitored Drift Tube Chambers for the ATLAS Barrel Muon Spectrometer (p. 390)
by Dubbert, J
The first-level trigger of ATLAS (p. 391)
by Haller, Johannes
The CMS Trigger System (p. 392)
by Varela, Joao
Grid Computing in CMS (p. 393)
by Hernandez, Jose
ATLAS Data Challenges : large-scale productions on the Grid(p. 394)
by Goossens, Luc
Physics Beyond the Standard Model (p. 399)
by Rattazzi, Riccardo
LHC Expectations (Machine, Detectors and Physics) (p. 401)
by Dissertori, G
Cosmology (including neutrino mass limits) : a particle theorist’s viewpoint(p. 403)
by Veneziano, Gabriele
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb
by Papanestis, Antonis
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker : Overview and Status
by Klein, Katja
Measurement of the CKM angle $alpha$ at BABAB
by Yéche, C
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors for LHCb
by Papanestis, Antonis

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 2004-07-27, last modified 2021-07-30