CERN Accelerating science

Report number LBNL-PUB-5494
Title Proposal to DOE Basic Energy Sciences : Ultrafast X-ray science facility at the Advanced Light Source
Author(s) Schönlein, R W ; Abela, R ; Alivisatos, A P ; Belkacem, A ; Berrah, N ; Bozek, J ; Bressler, C ; Cavalleri, A ; Chang, Z ; Chergui, M ; Falcone, R W ; Glover, T E ; Heimann, P A ; Hepburn, J ; Larsson, J ; Lee, R W ; McCusker, J ; Padmore, H A ; Pattison, P ; Pratt, S T ; Robin, D W ; Schlüter, Ross D ; Shank, C V ; Wark, J ; Zholents, A A ; Zolotorev, M S
Publication Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 2001 - 89.
Note Submitted on 12 Dec 2001
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract We propose to develop a true user facility for ultrafast x-ray science at the Advanced Light Source. This facility will be unique in the world, and will fill a critical need for the growing ultrafast x-ray research community. The development of this facility builds upon the expertise from long-standing research efforts in ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy and the development of femtosecond x-ray sources and techniques at both the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and at U.C. Berkeley. In particular, the technical feasibility of a femtosecond x-ray beamline at the ALS has already been demonstrated, and existing ultrafast laser technology will enable such a beamline to operate near the practical limit for femtosecond x-ray flux and brightness from a 3rd generation synchrotron.

 Записът е създаден на 2004-06-30, последна промяна на 2010-03-29

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