CERN Accelerating science

Title Mesure de la partie réelle de l'amplitude de diffusion élastique proton-antiproton vers l'avant, à l'énergie dans le référentiel du centre de masse de 541 GeV
Translation of title Measuring the real part of the proton-antiproton elastic scattering amplitude in forward derection at the center-mass energy of 541 GeV
Author(s) Augier, C (Orsay)
Publication Orsay : Paris 11, 1993 - 239.
Thesis note PhD : Paris XI U. : 1993
Thesis supervisor(s) Maurice, H
Note Presented on 15 Mar 1993
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; UA4/2

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 Record created 2004-03-31, last modified 2019-05-31

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