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Report number P9241 ; E9-9241
Title The decay scheme of 127Ba and half-lives of some low-lying excited states in 123, 125, 127, 129Cs
Author(s) Arlt, R ; Beyer, G ; Herrmann, E ; Jasinski, A ; Knotek, O ; Musiol, G ; Ortlepp, H G ; Siebert, H U ; Tyrroff, H
Affiliation (Dresden Tech. Univ.) ; (ZentralInst. Kernforsch. Dresden) ; (Dresden Tech. Univ.) ; (Dubna) ; (Dresden Tech. Univ.) ; (Dubna) ; (ZentralInst. Kernforsch. Dresden)
Publication 1975
Imprint 22 Oct 1975
Number of pages 27
Published in: Nucl. Phys.
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Record created 2004-01-04, last modified 2006-05-28

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