CERN Accelerating science

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Report number DPh-PE-74-06
Title Evidence for double dissociation in K-p interactions at 14.3 GeV/c
Author(s) Denegri, Daniel ; Barloutaud, R ; Borg, A ; Chaurand, B ; Drévillon, B ; Labrosse, G ; Lestienne, R ; Louedec, C ; Paler, K ; Pons, Y ; Salmeron, Roberto Aureliano ; Shah, T P ; Spiro, Michel ; Tovey, Stuart N
Affiliation (CEA Saclay) ; (Ecole Poly. Paris) ; (Rutherford Lab.)
Publication 1974
Imprint Sep 1974
Number of pages 25
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


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