CERN Accélérateur de science

Report number ATL-INDET-2001-011
Title Electrical Characteristics of Silicon Pixel Sensors
Author(s) Gorelov, I ; Gorfine, G ; Hoeferkamp, M ; Mata-Bruni, V ; Santistevan, G ; Seidel, S C ; Ciocio, A ; Einsweiler, K F ; Emes, J ; Gilchriese, M G D ; Joshi, A ; Kleinfelder, S A ; Marchesini, R ; McCormack, F ; Milgrome, O ; Palaio, N ; Pengg, F ; Richardson, J ; Zizka, G ; Ackers, M ; Comes, G ; Fischer, P ; Keil, M ; Klasen, V ; Kühl, T ; Meuser, S ; Ockenfels, W ; Raith, B ; Treis, J ; Wermes, N ; Gössling, C ; Hügging, F G ; Klaiber Lodewigs, Jonas M ; Krasel, O ; Wüstenfeld, J ; Wunstorf, R ; Barberis, D ; Beccherle, R ; Caso, Carlo ; Cervetto, M ; Darbo, G ; Gagliardi, G ; Gemme, C ; Morettini, P ; Netchaeva, P ; Osculati, B ; Rossi, L ; Charles, E ; Fasching, D ; Blanquart, L ; Breugnon, P ; Calvet, D ; Clemens, J-C ; Delpierre, P A ; Hallewell, G D ; Laugier, D ; Mouthuy, T ; Rozanov, A ; Valin, I ; Andreazza, A ; Caccia, M ; Citterio, M ; Lari, T ; Meroni, C ; Ragusa, F ; Troncon, C ; Vegni, G ; Lutz, Gerhard ; Richter, R H ; Rohe, T ; Boyd, GR ; Skubic, P L ; Sícho, P ; Tomasek, L ; Vrba, V ; Holder, M ; Ziolkowski, M ; Cauz, D ; Cobal-Grassmann, M ; D'Auria, S ; De Lotto, B ; del Papa, C ; Grassmann, H ; Santi, L ; Becks, K H ; Lenzen, G ; Linder, C
Publication 2001
Imprint 29 Oct 2001
Number of pages 24
Note revised version number 1 submitted on 2001-11-14 16:17:35
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ATLAS
Free keywords pixel ; sensors ; silicon
Abstract Prototype sensors for the ATLAS silicon pixel detector have been electrically characterized. The current and voltage characteristics, charge collection efficiencies, and resolutions have been examined. Devices were fabricated on oxygenated and standard detector-grade silicon wafers. Results from prototypes which examine p-stop and standard and moderated p-spray isolation are presented for a variety of geometrical options. Some of the comparisons relate unirradiated sensors with those that have received fluences relevant to LHC operation.
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