CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-68-07-V-1
Conference title Topical Conference on High-energy Collisions of Hadrons
Date(s), location 15 - 18 Jan 1968, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1968 - 665 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-1968-007-V-1
Subject category Particle Physics
Copyright/License CC-BY-3.0

Corresponding record in: KEK ; Inspire
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Regge residua, form factors, and composite particles (p. 1)
by Arnold, R C
Total cross sections and elastic scattering near the forward direction (p. 3)
by Barger, V
Comparison of Regge pole model to experiment for \pi N -> .rho.N (p. 24)
by Hite, G E
On the group theoretical approach to the conspiracy problem for arbitrary masses (p. 45)
by Cosenz, G
Phase contours of scattering amplitudes (p. 55)
by Chiu, C B
Experimental review of the forward peak in inelastic two-body processes (p. 60)
by Colley, D C
On some consequences of analyticity and unitarity (p. 74)
by Logunov, A A
On high-energy and high-momentum transfer collisions of hadrons (p. 93)
by Kastrup, H A
Multiparticle production in a soft particle emission model (p. 102)
by Giovannini, Alberto
On total cross sections in the multi-Regge model (p. 110)
by Finkelstein, J
Backward peaks (experimental) (p. 111)
by Derrick, M
Experimental evidence for multiperipheralism (p. 114)
by Zweig, G
Two-body final states produced in K+-proton interactions at 10 GeV/c (p. 121)
Quasi two-body reactions in \pi^{+}d interactions at 5.1 GeV/c (p. 135)
by Laberrigue, J
Further analysis of N*.rho. and N*.omega. quasi-two-body reactions by 5 GeV/c \pi^{+} mesons on protons (p. 150)
by Böckman, K
Spin phenomena in two-body collisions, including resonance decay (p. 161)
by Van Rossum, L
K+p interactions at 13 GeV/c (p. 172)
by Berlinghieri, J C
Further results on \pi^{-}p -> K0Y0 in the forward direction at 6, 8 and 11.2 GeV/c (p. 190)
by Bertolucci, Ennio
The study of 28.6 GeV/c p-p interactions with 6 charged particles in the final states (p. 208)
by Connolly, P B
Phenomenological theories of two-body collisions at high energy, especially inelastic collisions (p. 218)
by Bialas, A
Six-prong \pi^{-}p interactions at 11 GeV/c incoming momentum (p. 226)
by Daronian, P
Multiprong events in 25 BeV/c \pi^{-}p collisions (p. 244)
by Elbert, J W
Two-body processes with large momentum transfer (p. 252)
by Perl, M L
Pion, kaon, and antiproton production in the center of mass in high energy proton proton collisions (p. 262)
by Akerlof, C W
The search for meson resonances in high multiplicity processes (p. 281)
by Clayton, J
Rigorous theoretical considerations on high energy scattering (p. 290)
by Epstein, H
Particle production in high energy proton-proton collisions (p. 316)
by Turkot, F
Experimental aspects of many-body collisions (p. 345)
by Czyzewski, O
Theoretical models of production processes at high energy (p. 380)
by Hong-Mo, Chan
CERN, past and future (p. 415)
by Amaldi, Edoardo
On electromagnetic corrections to the dispersion relations for high energy forward scattering (p. 431)
by Soloviev, L D
Generalized super convergence relations as a guide to high energy scattering of hadrons (p. 441)
by Igi, K
\pi N resonances and backward scattering (p. 460)
by Høgaasen, H
Axiomatic proof of superconvergence relations (p. 471)
by Mahoux, G
Problems connected with high energy scattering near the forward direction (p. 478)
by Salin, P H
Regge families in broken SL(2,C) (p. 494)
by Domokos, G
Recent experimental results on n-p scattering from 6 to 30 GeV/c (p. 523)
by Longo, M J
Coherent production of multipion final states in \pi^{-} interactions with nuclei (p. 537)
by Veillet, J J
New experimental results on the photoproduction of mesons (p. 556)
by Lohrmann, E
High energy \pi^{-}-p, K†p, and elastic scattering (p. 571)
by Rubinstein, R
Structure in the angular distribution of proton-proton elastic scattering at high momentum transfers (p. 580)
by Allaby, James V
\pi \pi scattering effects in annihilations at 2.5 GeV/c (p. 595)
by Clayton, J
Influence of resonance production on the pion-pair angle-distributions in the reaction \pi p -> p5\pi (p. 599)
by Böckmann, Klaus
Reactions producing three final particles and comparison of the double Regge pole model with some experimental data (p. 611)
by Ratti, S

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 Record created 2003-08-02, last modified 2021-08-10

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