CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-IT-2002-003 ; FERMILAB-PUB-03-339 ; SLAC-PUB-9350
Title GEANT4--a simulation toolkikt
Related titleGEANT4 : A Simulation toolkit

Agostinelli, S ; Allison, J ; Amako, K ; Apostolakis, John ; Araújo, H M ; Arce, P ; Asai, M ; Axen, D A ; Banerjee, S ; Barrand, G ; Behner, F ; Bellagamba, L ; Boudreau, J ; Broglia, L ; Brunengo, A ; Chauvie, S ; Chuma, J ; Chytracek, R ; Cooperman, G ; Cosmo, G ; Degtyarenko, P V ; Dell'Acqua, A ; De Paola, G O ; Dietrich, D D ; Enami, R ; Feliciello, A ; Ferguson, C ; Fesefeldt, H S ; Folger, G ; Foppiano, F ; Forti, A C ; Garelli, S ; Giani, S ; Giannitrapani, R ; Gibin, D ; Gómez-Cadenas, J J ; González, I ; Gracía-Abríl, G ; Greeniaus, L G ; Greiner, W ; Grichine, V M ; Grossheim, A ; Gumplinger, P ; Hamatsu, R ; Hashimoto, K ; Hasui, H ; Heikkinen, A M ; Howard, A ; Hutton, A M ; Ivanchenko, V N ; Johnson, A ; Jones, F W ; Kallenbach, Jeff ; Kanaya, N ; Kawabata, M ; Kawabata, Y ; Kawaguti, M ; Kelner, S ; Kent, P ; Kodama, T ; Kokoulin, R P ; Kossov, M ; Kurashige, H ; Lamanna, E ; Lampen, T ; Lara, V ; Lefébure, V ; Lei, F ; Liendl, M ; Lockman, W ; Longo, F ; Magni, S ; Maire, M ; Mecking, B A ; Medernach, E ; Minamimoto, K ; Mora de Freitas, P ; Morita, Y ; Murakami, K ; Nagamatu, M ; Nartallo, R ; Nieminen, P ; Nishimura, T ; Ohtsubo, K ; Okamura, M ; O'Neale, S W ; O'Ohata, Y ; Perl, J ; Pfeiffer, A ; Pia, M G ; Ranjard, F ; Rybin, A ; Sadilov, S ; Di Salvo, E ; Santin, G ; Sasaki, T ; Savvas, N ; Sawada, Y ; Scherer, S ; Sei, S ; Sirotenko, V I ; Smith, D ; Starkov, N ; Stöcker, H ; Sulkimo, J ; Takahata, M ; Tanaka, S ; Chernyaev, E ; Safai-Tehrani, F ; Tropeano, M ; Truscott, P R ; Uno, H ; Urbàn, L ; Urban, P ; Verderi, M ; Walkden, A ; Wander, W ; Weber, H ; Wellisch, J P ; Wenaus, T ; Williams, D C ; Wright, D ; Yamada, T ; Yoshida, H ; Zschiesche, D

Affiliation (CERN) ; (ESTEC, Noordwijk) ; (Frascati) ; (Jefferson Lab) ; (KEK, Tsukuba) ; (Lebedev Inst.) ; (SLAC) ; (TRIUMF) ; (Aachen, Tech. Hochsch.) ; (Alberta Univ.) ; (Bath Univ.) ; (Birmingham Univ.) ; (British Columbia Univ.) ; (Brookhaven) ; (Budapest, RMKI) ; (Calabria Univ.) ; (INFN, Calabria) ; (Madrid, CIEMAT) ; (Cordoba Univ.) ; (Dortmund Univ.) ; (Fermilab) ; (Fukui Univ.) ; (Genoa, Inst. Cancer Research) ; (INFN, Genoa) ; (Genoa Univ.) ; (Frankfurt Univ.) ; (Helsinki Inst. of Phys.) ; (Hiroshima Inst. Tech.) ; (Imperial Coll., London) ; (Serpukhov, IHEP) ; (Northern Illinois Univ.) ; (Kyoto Univ.) ; (Orsay, LAL) ; (Annecy, LAPP) ; (Ecole Polytechnique) ; (EPFL, Lausanne) ; (Lyon, IPN) ; (Manchester Univ.) ; (Mephi, Moscow) ; (INFN, Milan) ; (MIT) ; (Naruto Univ. of Education) ; (Niigata Univ.) ; (Northeastern Univ.) ; (Novosibirsk, IYF) ; (Padua Univ.) ; (Pittsburg Univ.) ; (QinetiQ, UK) ; (UC, Santa Cruz) ; (Ritsumeikan Univ.) ; (Southampton Univ.) ; (Tata Inst.) ; (INFN, Turin) ; (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) ; (Turin Univ.) ; (Trieste Univ.) ; (INFN, Trieste) ; (Udine Univ.) ; (INFN, Udine) ; (Valencia Univ.) ; (IFIC, Centre Mixt Universitat de València and CSIC) ; (Vienna, Tech. U.)
Publication 2003
Imprint 11 Jul 2002
Number of pages 54
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 506 (2003) 250-303
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01368-8
Subject category Computing and Computers
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD44
Abstract Geant4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It includes a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits. The physics processes offered cover a comprehensive range, including electromagnetic, hadronic and optical processes, a large set of long-lived particles, materials and elements, over a wide energy range starting, in some cases, from 250 eV and extending in others to the TeV energy range. It has been designed and constructed to expose the physics models utilised, to handle complex geometries, and to enable its easy adaptation for optimal use in different sets of applications. The toolkit is the result of a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers. It has been created exploiting software engineering and object-oriented technology and implemented in the C++ programming language. It has been used in applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, accelerator design, space engineering and medical physics.
Copyright/License publication: © 2003-2025 Elsevier Science B.V

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 Záznam vytvorený 2003-01-23, zmenený 2020-06-23

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