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Report number E6-2001-154 ; JINR-E6-2001-154
Title Measurement of γγ-coincidences and 152Tb152Gd Decay Scheme
Author(s) Adam, J ; Dobes, J ; Honusek, M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Mrazek, J ; Pronskikh, V S ; Caloun, P ; Lebedev, N A ; Stegailov, V I ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M
Affiliation (Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Dubna) ; (Nuclear Physics Institute of ASCR, Rez, Czech Republic) ; (St.Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Russia)
Publication 2001
Imprint 2001
Number of pages 38
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract On the basis of \gamma\gamma-coincidences recorded with two HPGe-detectors, 242 transitions were placed into the ^{152}Tb\to^{152}Gd decay scheme, 131 of them - for the first time. Also, 46 new levels were introduced for the first time (out of 111). For a number of low-lying levels the electron capture to positron decay ratio was found. For the most of levels, their spins and parities were determined, as well as log ft's for feeding them decays.
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 Notice créée le 2001-12-21, modifiée le 2005-08-28

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