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Report number CERN-LCB-2000-001 ; KEK-2000-8
Title Models of Networked Analysis at Regional Centres for LHC Experiments (MONARC), Phase 2 Report, 24th March 2000
Author(s) Aderholz, Michael ; Amako, K ; Augé, E ; Bagliesi, G ; Barone, L ; Battistoni, G ; Bernardi, M ; Boschini, M ; Brunengo, A ; Bunn, J J ; Butler, J ; Campanella, M ; Capiluppi, P ; Carminati, F ; D'Amato, M ; Dameri, M ; Di Mattia, A ; Dorokhov, A E ; Erbacci, G ; Gasparini, U ; Gagliardi, F ; Gaines, I ; Gálvez, P ; Ghiselli, A ; Gordon, J ; Grandi, C ; Harris, F ; Holtman, K ; Karimäki, V ; Karita, Y ; Klem, J T ; Legrand, I ; Leltchouk, M ; Linglin, D ; Lubrano, P ; Luminari, L ; Maslennikov, A L ; Mattasoglio, A ; Michelotto, M ; McArthur, I C ; Morita, Y ; Nazarenko, A ; Newman, H ; O'Dell, Vivian ; O'Neale, S W ; Osculati, B ; Pepé, M ; Perini, L ; Pinfold, James L ; Pordes, R ; Prelz, F ; Putzer, A ; Resconi, S ; Robertson, L ; Rolli, S ; Sasaki, T ; Sato, H ; Servoli, L ; Schaffer, R D ; Schalk, T L ; Sgaravatto, M ; Shiers, J ; Silvestris, L ; Siroli, G P ; Sliwa, K ; Smith, T ; Somigliana, R ; Stanescu, C ; Stockinger, H E ; Ugolotti, D ; Valente, E ; Vistoli, C ; Willers, Ian Malcolm ; Wilkinson, R P ; Williams, D O
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2000
Imprint Apr 2000
Number of pages 43
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Other source KEK


 Record created 2001-07-24, last modified 2016-06-30

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