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Report number JINR-P6-2001-33 ; P6-2001-33
Title Lanthanides in Nuclear Medicine. The Production of Terbium-149 by Heavy Ion Beams
Author(s) Dmitriev, S N ; Beyer, Gerd-Jürgen ; Zaitseva, N G ; Maslov, O D ; Molokanova, L G ; Starodub, G Ya ; Shishkin, S V ; Shishkina, T V
Affiliation (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Dubna) ; (Hospital Cantonal University Geneva, Switzerland)
Publication 2001
Imprint 1 Mar 2001
Number of pages 8
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract Among radioactive isotopes of lanthanide series elements, finding the increasing using in nuclear medicine, alpha-emitter {149}Tb (T_{1/2} = 4.118 h; EC 76.2 %; beta^+ 7.1 %; alpha 16.7 %) is considered as a perspective radionuclide for radioimmunotherapy. The aim of the present work is to study experimental conditions of the {149}Tb production in reactions Nd({12}C, xn){149}Dy (4.23 min; beta^+, EC)\to {149}Tb when the Nd targets have been irradiated by heavy ions of carbon. On the basis of results of formation and decay of {149}Dy\to{149}Tb evaluation of the {149}Tb activity, is made which can be received under optimum conditions (enriched {142}Nd target, {12}C ions with the energy 120 MeV and up to current 100 mu A, time of irradiating 8-10 hours). Under these conditions {149}Tb can be obtained up to 30 GBq (up to 0.8 Ci).
Submitted by [email protected]


 Záznam vytvorený 2001-06-29, zmenený 2009-02-28

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