CERN Accelerating science

Title Production of terbium-152 by heavy ion reactions and proton induced spallation
Author(s) Allen, B J ; Goozee, G ; Sarkar, S ; Beyer, G ; Morel, Christian ; Byrne, A P
Affiliation (Center for Exp Radiat Oncology)
Publication 2001
In: Appl. Radiat. Isot. 54 (2001) 53-8
DOI 10.1016/S0969-8043(00)00164-0
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISOLDE
Abstract Terbium-152 (Tb-152) is of potential value as a radiotracer for radiolanthanides in positron emission tomography. We report the production of Tb-152 by heavy ion reactions at the ANU Tandem accelerator, and by the spallation method at the CERN proton accelerator using the on-line ISOLDE separator, obtaining microcurie and millicurie yields, respectively. After purification, a phantom image in PET is obtained which shows the feasibility of using Tb-152 for monitoring the kinetics of Tb-149 and other radiolanthanides. However, the current availability of this radioisotope will be restricted to major nuclear physics research centres. (7 refs).

 Zapis kreiran 2001-06-12, zadnja izmjena 2013-11-29