CERN Accelerating science

Title Silicon drift detectors in the ALICE experiment

Bonvicini, V ; Cerello, P G ; Crescio, E ; Giubellino, P ; Hernández-Montoya, R ; Kolojvari, A A ; Mazza, G ; Montaño-Zetina, L M ; Nissinen, J ; Nouais, D ; Rashevsky, A ; Rivetti, A ; Tosello, F ; Vacchi, A

Affiliation (INFN)
Publication 2000
In: AIP Conf. Proc. 531 (2000) 360-364
In: Conference on Particles and Fields, Merida, Mexico, 10 - 17 Nov 1999, pp.360-364
DOI 10.1063/1.1315065
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ALICE
Abstract Silicon drift detectors (SDDs) are well suited to high-energy physics experiments with relatively low event rates. In particular SDDs will be used for the two intermediate layers of the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment. Beam test results of linear SDD prototypes have shown a resolution of 40*30 mu m/sup 2/ and a cluster finding efficiency of essentially 100% with E=600 V/cm. (6 refs).

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 Record created 2001-04-09, last modified 2020-08-28