CERN Accelerating science

Conference title TRDs for the 3rd Millenium : Workshop on Advanced Transition Radiation Detectors for Accelerator and Space Applications
Date(s), location 20 - 23 Sep 2001, Bari, Italy
Conference contact email:
Editor(s) Giglietto, N (ed.) ; Spinelli, P (ed.)
Imprint Frascati : INFN, 2002
Series (Frascati physics series ; 25)
ISBN 888640932X (print version, hardback)
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords 3 ; TRDs
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

The renaissance of particle identification (p. 3)
by Fabjan, C W
Development of the transition radiation tracker (TRT) for the ATLAS experiment at LHC (p. 93)
by Romaniouk, A
Systematic studies of gas mixtures for straw-based transition radiation detectors (p. 109)
by Cwetanski, Peter
Design considerations for a transition radiation tracker in ATLAS (p. 115)
by Danielsson, H
The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector (p. 121)
by Wessels, J P
Physics with the ALICE TRD (p. 131)
by Vulpescu, B
ALICE TRD trigger architecture (p. 135)
by Angelov, V
ALICE TRD : results from prototype tests(p. 141)
by Andronic, A

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 Record created 2001-03-12, last modified 2021-07-30

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