CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 8th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
Related conference title(s) ICALEPCS 2001
Date(s), location 27 - 30 Nov 2001, San José, CA, USA
Conference contact ICALEPCS 2001 Secretariat: Centennial Conferences: 4800 Baseline Road: Ste. A-112: Boulder, CO 80303, USA
email: [email protected]
fax: +1-303-4992599
phone: +1-303-4992299
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint San José, CA : [s.n.], 2001
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C01-11-27
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Performance of the 508MHz Reference and Timing Systems at SPring-8 (e-proc. FRAT005)
by Ohashi, Y
Remote device access in the new accelerator controls middleware (e-proc. THAP003)
by Trofimov, N.
The Use of Wizards in Creating Control Applications (e-proc. THAP026)
by Duval, P
Embedded Distribution Modular Control Systems with Network Interconnections (e-proc. THAP035)
by Vinogradov, V
Knowledge-Based Event Oriented Approach to Control Systems: Technologies and Methodics (e-proc. THAP044)
by Vikentiev, A
Computer Diagnostics and Forecasting of Pulse Electron Linac Failures (e-proc. THAP061)
by Boriskin, V N
Software Design Concepts for Archiving and Retrieving Control System Data (e-proc. THAP075)
by Larrieu, C
Development of a Detector Control System for the ATLAS Pixel Detector (e-proc. THBT002)
by Kersten, S.
The All-digital Approach to LHC Power Converter Current Control (e-proc. THBT004)
by Dinius, A H
A Framework for JAVA applications programs in the CERN PS control system (e-proc. THCT002)
by Arruat, M
Application Software Structures Enable NIF Operations (e-proc. THCT003)
by Fong, K
Emerging Trends in Networking (e-proc. THDI001)
by Bechtolsheim, A
The Integrated HV, LV and Liquid Radiator Control System for the HMPID in the ALICE Experiment at LHC (e-proc. TUAP007)
by Carrone, E
Slow Control for Micromegas and Drift Chambers (e-proc. TUAP013)
by Gougnaud, F
Control System for the Diagnostic Neutral Beam Injector for TCV Tokamac (e-proc. TUAP017)
by Medvedko, A S
Development Status of EPICS Application for PLS Computer Control System (e-proc. TUAP029)
by Kim, J
Rejuvenation of the controls of the CERN PS/ISOLDE facility using industrial components (e-proc. TUAP034)
by Allard, J.
PEP II Timing System at SLAC (e-proc. TUAP043)
by Browne, M
An Experience on Fixing Problems with VMEbus Modules (e-proc. TUAP048)
by Katoh, T
NSLS Control System Software Interface to Modicon PLC (e-proc. TUAP060)
by Ramamoorthy, S
Instrumentation, Field Network and Process Automation for the Cryogenic System of the LHC Test String (e-proc. TUAP065)
by Bager, T.
Status of the SLS Control System (e-proc. TUAT003)
by Hunt, S
Purchasing Accelerator Subsystems as Turnkey Components (e-proc. TUCI001)
by Hunt, S
First Experiences Integrating PC Distributed I/O Into Argonne's ATLAS Control System (e-proc. TUCT002)
by Munson, F H
A Prototype of the Control System for the CMS Tracker Front-End (e-proc. TUCT004)
by Verdini, P G
The Control Architecture of the D0 Experiment (e-proc. TUCT005)
by Bartlett, J F
H1DCM - A New Detector Control and Monitoring System for the H1 Experiment (e-proc. TUCT006)
by Eckerlin, G
Integrated Design and Management of Complex and Fast Projects (e-proc. TUDT005)
by Mancini, D
Synchrotron Control System of HIMAC (e-proc. WEAP014)
by Takada, E
Evolution of the SPS Power Converter Controls towards the LHC Era (e-proc. WEAP017)
by Brazier, J.C.L.
Use of Linux PCs for Device Surveillance at the KEK Injector-Linac (e-proc. WEAP024)
by Kusano, S
Subsystem for Fast Digital Feedback at NSLS (e-proc. WEAP046)
by Ramamoorthy, S
Tune Feedback at RHIC (e-proc. WEAP049)
by Cameron, P
Application of Networked Control System for Particle Accelerators (e-proc. WEAP057)
by Nedeoglo, F N
VST Telescope Dynamic Analysis and Position Control Algorithms (e-proc. WEAP061)
by Mancini, D
The Relational Database Aspects of Argonne's ATLAS Control System (e-proc. WEAP066)
by Quock, D E R
Production Phase Database for STAR Silicon Strip Detector (e-proc. WEAP068)
by Janik, M
The Evolution of the DAFNE Control System : A History of Liberation from Hardware(e-proc. WEAT003)
by Di Pirro, G
L4-Linux Based System as a Platform For Epics IOC-CORE (e-proc. WEBT003)
by Odagiri, J
Configuration and Database for the Control System of the VISIR Instrument (e-proc. WEDT004)
by Gournay, J F
Front-End electronics configuration system for CMS (e-proc. WEDT005)
by Gras, P.
BaBar on-line Object Oriented databases (e-proc. WEDT006)
by Salnikov, A
How to Commission, Operate and Maintain a Large Future Accelerator Complex From Far Remote Sites (e-proc.FRBI001)
by Czarapata, P C

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 Record created 2001-01-12, last modified 2021-07-30