CERN Accelerating science

Posters Poster-2002-031

Health, education and employment in India: a land of opulance, tragedy and hope

Created: 2002
Number of pages: 1 p
Original source: CDROM 2002-004-DTP
Note: Conférence du soir ayant eu lieu le mercredi 14 février 2002 Salle du conseil, CERN Meyrin à 20h30

Rajan Gupta is a theoretical physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has developed lectures on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention aimed at students, health workers, industrialists, parents, and industrial workers in India.

Keywords:   Conference du soir   Staff Association   Association du Personnel

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The words CERN-Poster-2002-031 must be quoted for each use.

Submitted by [email protected]

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 Record created 2002-10-08, last modified 2009-04-20

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