Report number
| CERN-OPEN-99-183 ; RHCPP-97-26 |
| A study of B0→π+π− decays using the BaBar detector |
| Tetteh-Lartey, E (London, City U.) |
| London : London Univ., 1997 - 131. |
Thesis note
| PhD : London U. : 1997 |
| Presented on 24 Nov 1997 |
Subject category
| Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment
| SLAC PEP-II ; BaBar |
| This thesis reports on the sensitivity of the BaBar detector to the study of CP violation in the B system. Due to the presence of π0's in most channels of interest to CP violation studies, an electromagnetic calorimeter with high efficiency and good energy resolution for low energy photons is needed for good π0 and thus B mass resolution. A beam test of a prototype CsI electromagnetic calorimeter and its response to low energy electrons and pions is presented. |