CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-EP-99-061
Title Spin asymmetries $A_1$ of the proton and the deuteron in the low $x$ and low $Q^2$ region from polarized high energy muon scattering

Adeva, B ; Arik, E ; Arvidson, A ; Badelek, B ; Baum, G ; Berglund, P ; Betev, L ; De Botton, N R ; Bradamante, Franco ; Bravar, A ; Bültmann, S ; Burtin, E ; Crabb, D ; Cranshaw, J ; Çuhadar-Dönszelmann, T ; Dalla Torre, S ; Van Dantzig, R ; Derro, B R ; Deshpande, A A ; Dhawan, S K ; Dulya, C M ; Eichblatt, S ; Fasching, D ; Feinstein, F ; Fernández, C ; Frois, Bernard ; Gallas, A ; Garzón, J A ; Gilly, H ; Giorgi, M A ; von Goeler, E ; Görtz, S ; Gracia, G ; De Groot, N ; Grosse-Perdekamp, M ; Haft, K ; Von Harrach, D ; Hasegawa, T ; Hautle, P ; Hayashi, N ; Heusch, C A ; Horikawa, N ; Hughes, V W ; Igo, G ; Ishimoto, S ; Iwata, T ; Kabuss, E M ; Karev, A G ; Kessler, H J ; Ketel, T ; Kiryluk, J ; Kiselev, Yu F ; Krämer, Dietrich ; Kröger, W ; Kurek, K ; Kyynäräinen, J ; Lamanna, M ; Landgraf, U ; Le Goff, J M ; Lehár, F ; de Lesquen, A ; Lichtenstadt, J ; Litmaath, M ; Magnon, A ; Mallot, G K ; Marie, F ; Martin, A ; Martino, J ; Matsuda, T ; Mayes, B W ; McCarthy, J S ; Medved, K S ; Meyer, W T ; Van Middelkoop, G ; Miller, D ; Miyachi, Y ; Mori, K ; Moromisato, J H ; Nassalski, J P ; Niinikoski, T O ; Oberski, J ; Ogawa, A ; Ozben, C ; Pereira, H ; Perrot-Kunne, F ; Peshekhonov, V D ; Piegaia, R ; Pinsky, L ; Platchkov, S K ; Pló, M ; Pose, D ; Postma, H ; Pretz, J ; Puntaferro, R ; Rädel, G ; Reicherz, G ; Roberts, J ; Rodríguez, M ; Rondio, Ewa ; Sabo, I ; Saborido, J ; Sandacz, A ; Savin, I A ; Schiavon, R P ; Sichtermann, E P ; Simeoni, F ; Smirnov, G I ; Staude, A ; Steinmetz, A ; Stiegler, U ; Stuhrmann, H B ; Tessarotto, F ; Thers, D ; Tlaczala, W ; Tripet, A ; Ünel, G ; Velasco, M ; Vogt, J ; Voss, Rüdiger (CERN) ; Whitten, C ; Willumeit, R ; Windmolders, R ; Wislicki, W ; Witzmann, A ; Zanetti, A M ; Zaremba, K ; Zhao, J

Affiliation (Univ. Bielefeld) ; (Bogazici Univ. and Istanbul Technical Univ.) ; (Univ. Bochum) ; (UCLA) ; (CERN) ; (Univ. Freiburg) ; (GKSS Geesthacht) ; (Helsinki Univ. Technol.) ; (Univ. Houston) ; (JINR Dubna) ; (Univ. Mainz) ; (Univ. Mons) ; (Univ. Munich) ; (Nagoya Univ.) ; (NIKHEF, Delft Univ. Technology, FOM and Free Univ. Amsterdam) ; (Northwestern Univ. Evanston) ; (Rice Univ. Houston) ; (C.E.A. Saclay, DAPNIA Gif-sur-Yvette) ; (Univ. Santiago de Compostela) ; (Tel Aviv Univ.) ; (INFN Trieste and Univ. Trieste) ; (Uppsala Univ.) ; (Univ. Virginia Charlottesville) ; (Soltan Inst. Nucl. Studies and Warsaw Univ.) ; (Yale Univ. New Haven)
Publication 1999
Imprint 16 Apr 1999
Number of pages 17
In: Phys. Rev. D 60 (1999) 072004/1-9
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.60.072004
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; SMC NA47
Abstract We present the results of the spin asymmetries $A_1$ of the proton and the deuteron in the kinematic region extending down to $x=6\cdot 10^{-5}$ and $Q^2=0.01$ GeV$^2$. The data were taken with a dedicated low $x$ trigger, which required hadron detection in addition to the scattered muon, so as to reduce the background at low $x$. The results complement our previous measurements and the two sets are consistent in the overlap region. No sig\-ni\-fi\-cant spin effects are found in the newly explored region.

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