CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 8th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics
Related conference title(s) Calorimetry in High Energy Physics
Date(s), location 13 - 19 Jun 1999, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference contact LIP - Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas; Av. Elias Garcia, 14-1; P-1000 Lisboa, Portugal
email: [email protected]
fax: +351-1-7934631
phone: +351-1-7973880
Editor(s) Barreira, Gaspar (ed.) ; Tomé, Bernardo (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 2000 - 863 p.
ISBN 9789810243043
DOI 10.1142/9789812792853
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords radiation detection ; electromagnetic calorimeters ; organic scintillators ; calibration ; applications

Contributions in Inspire: C99-06-13.2
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Calorimetry : a (biased) historical introduction(p. 3)
by Sonderegger, P
Calorimetry with crystals (p. 19)
by Longo, E
Cryogenic calorimeters in astro and particle physics (p. 32)
by Pretzl, Klaus P
Medium and low energy calorimetry (p. 63)
by Fabbri, Franco Luigi
Summary of the session : ionization calorimetry(p. 123)
by Mansoulié, B
The L3 hadron calorimeter (p. 125)
by Klimentov, A
Space charge in ionization detectors and the NA48 calorimeter (p. 136)
by Palestini, Sandro
Construction and tests of the ATLAS barrel liquid argon presampler (p. 155)
by Hostachy, J Y
ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter construction and quality test measurements (p. 161)
by Massol, N
Construction and test of the ATLAS EM end-cap calorimeter (p. 167)
by De Trocóniz, J F
Performance of the ATLAS hadronic endcap calorimeter : testbeam results(p. 174)
by Schacht, P
Testbeam results for the ATLAS forward calorimeter module 0 (p. 184)
by Loch, P
The L3 Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 212)
by Fay, J
Crystal technologies for future linear colliders (p. 226)
by Zhu, R Y
CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, 2000 (p. 241)
by Bloch, P
Progress on lead tungstate crystals for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 250)
by Diemoz, M
CMS ECAL construction and quality control (p. 259)
by Auffray, Etiennette
Barrel electromagnetic calorimeter in CMS : mechanical design(p. 266)
by Gargiulo, C
Precise cooling of the ECAL-CMS calorimeter (p. 274)
by Baillon, Paul
Calorimetry at high energy $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider : experience from LEP 2(p. 289)
by Callot, O
Photons at LEP 2 (p. 299)
by Gonçalves, P
Optimizing calorimeters to search for supersymmetry (p. 318)
by De, K
Calorimetry for hadrons and jets with Cerenkov and organic scintillators (p. 333)
by Musso, A
Review of Cerenkov calorimetry (p. 335)
by Wigmans, R
The ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters (p. 362)
by Arnaldi, R
The ALICE zero degree calorimeters (p. 362)
by Arnaldi, R
Precision Measurements of Particle Masses using Jets at LEP2 (p. 370)
by Ward, J J
Results from a new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter (p. 380)
by Akhmadaliev, S Z
A weighting technique for the ATLAS TILECAL hadronic calorimeter (p. 386)
by Di Girolamo, B
Calibration and monitoring (p. 407)
by Henriques, A
L3 BGO calorimeter calibration using an RFQ accelerator (p. 417)
by Chaturvedi, U K
The monitoring system for CMS-ECAL (p. 423)
by Rander, J
Calibration of the ATLAS liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 447)
by Serin, L
The TILECAL calorimeter for ATLAS (p. 474)
by Gomes, A
Hadronic Shower Development in Tile Iron-Scintillator Calorimetry (p. 480)
by Kulchitsky, Yuri A.
Hadronic Shower Development in Iron-Scintillator Tile Calorimetry (p. 480)
by Amaral, P.
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) hadron calorimeter (p. 491)
by Hagopian, V
The Upgraded Outer em Calorimeter of FOCUS at Fermilab (p. 527)
by Bianco, S
Development of preshower detector for LHCb experiment (p. 542)
by Guschin, E
Cold electronics for the liquid argon hadronic end-cap calorimeter of ATLAS (p. 570)
by Bán, J
Challenges associated with a low frequency charge integrator and encoder for the CDF II calorimeter (p. 576)
by Hoff, J R
Recent developments in the CMS calorimeter trigger (p. 605)
by Monteiro, T
A remote neural discriminator for the scintillating tile calorimeter (p. 618)
by Seixas, J M
Radiation hardness of different calorimeters studied with a movable $^{60}CO$ source at the ZEUS detector (p. 639)
by Bohnet, I
Radiation damage studies of WLS fibres for the TILECAL (p. 647)
by David, M
Radiation hardness studies of components of the ATLAS forward and Hadronic End Cap calorimeters at Dubna (p. 653)
by Leroy, C
New scintillating crystals for medical imaging (p. 667)
by Lecoq, P
An overview of GEANT-4's production release (p. 705)
by Apostolakis, John
On hadronic shower simulation (p. 711)
by Wellisch, J P
Particle physics contribution to the elimination of nuclear waste (p. 827)
by Revol, Jean Pierre Charles
Front-end Electronics In Fast Calorimetry
by de La Taille, C

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 Record created 1999-02-18, last modified 2021-07-30