CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Conference on Heavy-ion Theory Workshop : HIT '99
Related conference title(s) Heavy-ion Theory Workshop : HIT '99
Date(s), location 17 - 20 May 1999, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference contact email:
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1999
Note These proceedings were never published
Subject category Particle Physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

A Boltzmann Equation for the QCD Plasma (e-proc.)
by Blaizot, Jean-Paul
Status and open problems of the heavy-ion program (e-proc.)
by Gyulassy, M
Continuity of quark and hadron phases (e-proc.)
by Wilczek, Frank
Semiclassical approach to small x physics (e-proc.)
by McLerran, L
RGE for small x physics (e-proc.)
by Kovner, A
Nonlinear effects at small x (e-proc.)
by Weigert, H
High-energy nuclear collisions : a non-perturbative numerical description of transverse dynamics(e-proc.)
by Krasnitz, A
Nuclear structure functions including multiple pomeron exchange (e-proc.)
by Kovchegov, Yu V
Parton energy loss in dense matter (e-proc.)
by Schiff, D
Lepton and photon production in a hot quark-gluon plasma (e-proc.)
by Zaraket, H
More continuity of quark and hadron matter (e-proc.)
by Schäfer, T
Quasiparticle approach to the entropy in QCD (e-proc.)
by Rebhan, Anton K
Parity odd domains in hot QCD (e-proc.)
by Tytgat, M
The phase diagram of the electroweak theory (e-proc.)
by Laine, Mikko
Quark matter signatures from pulsars or the early Universe ? (e-proc.)
by Madsen, J
Heavy flavour production : a review(e-proc.)
by Frixione, Stefano
J\/psi suppression in the dual parton model : Is there a break in the J\/psi cross-section ?(e-proc.)
by Ferreiro, E
Locking and unlocking color and flavor (e-proc.)
by Rajagopal, K
Physics with the ALICE detector (e-proc.)
by Schükraft, Jürgen
Physics at RHIC (e-proc.)
by Müller, B
QCD phase transitions and their implications for space-time picture at RHIC/LHC (e-proc.)
by Shuryak, E V
B_c production in the quark-gluon plasma (e-proc.)
by Thews, R L
The physics of non-central collisions at high energies (e-proc.)
by Heiselberg, H
Formation time effects in Drell-Yan and J/Psi production in high energy proton nucleus interactions (e-proc.)
by Gale, C
Baryon and antibaryon production in heavy ion collisions (e-proc.)
by Salgado, C
Deconfinement patterns (e-proc.)
by Satz, Helmut
Quarks in the instanton vacuum at nonzero matter density (e-proc.)
by Carter, G
QCD at high baryon density : color superconductivity, parity violation, and supernovae(e-proc.)
by Rischke, D H
The rho meson at finite temperature and density (e-proc.)
by Kapusta, J I
Thermodynamics of AdS black holes and the QCD phase transition (e-proc.)
by Mavromatos, Nikolaos E
Color superconducting strange quark matter (e-proc.)
by Berges, J

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1998-11-10, last modified 2021-07-30

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