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Report number SLAC-PUB-7887
Title Result from the BaBar electromagnetic calorimeter beam test
Author(s) Barlow, R J ; Bernet, R ; Bowdery, C K ; Brose, J ; Champion, T J ; Dahlinger, G ; Dauncey, P ; Eckstein, P ; Eigen, G ; Freytag, D R ; Fry, J ; Geddes, N I ; Hertzbach, S S ; Ivanchenko, V N ; Jessop, C ; Johnson, D ; King, M ; Lorenz, E ; Marsiske, H ; McMahon, S ; Nicholson, H ; Reidy, J ; Schindler, R ; Schubert, Klaus R ; Schwierz, R ; Scott, I ; Seitz, R ; Silagadze, Z K ; Spaan, B ; Stoker, D P ; Tetteh-Lartey, E ; Waldi, R ; Wisniewski, W J ; Wuest, C R
Publication 1998
Imprint Jul 1998
Number of pages 38
Published in: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques


 Record created 1998-09-09, last modified 2016-07-01