Calorimetry at e+e−e+e− Colliders (p. 15) |
by Paar, H P |
Calorimetry at Hadron Colliders (p. 36) |
by Poggioli, Luc |
Response function of PbWO4PbWO4-detectors to electrons and photons between 50 and 855 MeV energy (p. 57) |
by Novotny, R |
The CMS Lead Tungstate Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 99) |
by Rusack, R W |
Review of progress on lead tungstate crystals for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 109) |
by Lecoq, P |
Radiation Hardness of Doped and Undoped Lead Tungstate Crystals Produced in China for the CMS Collaboration (p. 118) |
by Lecomte, Pierre |
Quartz Fiber Calorimetry (p. 127) |
by Akchurin, N |
A Segmented Quartz-Fiber Lead Calorimetry (p. 151) |
by Ambrosini, G |
A segmented quartz-fiber lead calorimeter (p. 151) |
by Ambrosini, G |
Optics of the Tilecal Calorimeter : Components and Performance(p. 197) |
by Gomes, A |
ATLAS Barrel Hadron Calorimeter the Module 0 Experience (p. 203) |
by Efthymiopoulos, I |
Calibration and Monitoring of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter of ATLAS with A 137137Cs Source (p. 211) |
by Vichou, Irene |
Performance of a Prototype CMS Hadron Barrel Calorimeter in a Test Beam (p. 217) |
by De Barbaro, Pawel |
B-Field Effects on Scintillator and Calorimetry (p. 224) |
by Kunori, S |
Calibration and testing of the CDF II endplug calorimeter (p. 229) |
by Lusin, S |
Test beam results for the CDF end plug hadron calorimeter (p. 237) |
by Jin Bo Liu |
The Shower-maximum detector for CDF II (p. 241) |
by Solodsky, A |
An Overview of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimetry and the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeters (p. 337) |
by Lefebvre, M |
The Liquid Argon Barrel Presampler for ATLAS (p. 345) |
The Hadronic End-Cap Calorimeter of ATLAS (p. 353) |
by Oram, C J |
Position Measurements and Response Uniformity of the Lar FCAL Prototype for ATLAS (p. 361) |
by Savine, A |
Design and Thermal Transport Studies of the ATLAS Tungsten Forward Calorimeter Modules (p. 368) |
by Mayer, J K |
Performance of the NA48 liquid krypton calorimeter for the ε′/ε measurement at the CERN SPS (p. 375) |
by Martini, Mara |
Test on 2,000 photomultipliers for the CDF endplug calorimeter upgrade (p. 393) |
by Fiori, I |
Avalanche Photodiodes for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 406) |
by Longo, E |
Readout electronics for the NA48 liquid krypton calorimeter (p. 420) |
by Vossnack, Ole |
Readout electronics for the NA48 liquid krypton calorimeter (p. 420) |
by Vossnack, O |
Overview of the Readout of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (p. 439) |
by Ille, B |
Overview of the Front End Electronics for the ATLAS Lar Calorimeter (p. 451) |
by Rescia, S |
Pollution of Liquid Argon after Irradiation of Various Calorimeter Parts with fast Neutrons (p. 460) |
by Martin, P |
Radiation Damage in Scintillating Crystals (p. 469) |
by Zhu Ren Yuan |
Control of lead tungstate crystals radiation hardness through optical transmission measurements (p. 484) |
by Annenkov, A N |
Control of Lead Tunsgtate Crystals Radiation Hardmness Through Optical Transmission Measurements (p. 484) |
by Annenkov, A N |
Hadronic shower simulation with GEANT4 (p. 522) |
by Wellisch, H P |
Performance Evaluations of the ATLAS Endcap and Forward Liquid Argon Calorimeters (p. 530) |
by Loch, Peter |
Simulation and optimisation of the LHCb calorimeters |
by Korolko, I |