CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-PPE-96-097
Title The Forward Muon Detector of L3

Adam, A ; Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Alarcon, J ; Alberdi, J ; Alexandrov, V S ; Aloisio, A ; Alviggi, M G ; Anderhub, H ; Ariza, M ; Azemoon, T ; Aziz, T ; Bakker, F ; Banerjee, S ; Banicz, K ; Barcala, J M ; Becker, U ; Berdugo, J ; Berges, P ; Betev, B L ; Biland, A ; Bobbink, Gerjan J ; Böck, R K ; Böhm, A ; Borisov, V S ; Bosseler, K ; Bouvier, P ; Brambilla, Elena ; Burger, J D ; Burgos, C ; Buskens, J ; Carlier, J C ; Carlino, G ; Causaus, J ; Cavallo, N ; Cerjak, I ; Cerrada-Canales, M ; Chang, Y H ; Chen, H S ; Chendvankar, S R ; Chvatchkine, V B ; Daniel, M ; De Asmundis, R ; Decreuse, G ; Deiters, K ; Djambazov, L ; Duraffourg, P ; Erné, F C ; Esser, H ; Ezekiev, S ; Faber, G ; Fabre, M ; Fernández, G ; Freudenreich, Klaus ; Fritschi, M ; García-Abia, P ; González, A ; Gurtu, A ; Gutay, L J ; Haller, C ; Herold, W D ; Herrmann, J M ; Hervé, A ; Hofer, H ; Höfer, M ; Hofer, T ; Homma, J ; Horisberger, Urs ; Horváth, I L ; Ingenito, P ; Innocente, Vincenzo ; Ioudine, I ; Jaspers, M ; de Jong, P ; Kästli, W ; Kaspar, H ; Kitov, V ; König, A C ; Koutsenko, V F ; Lanzano, S ; Lapoint, C ; Lebedev, A ; Lecomte, P ; Lista, L ; Lübelsmeyer, K ; Lustermann, W ; Ma, J M ; Milesi, M ; Molinero, A ; Montero, A ; Moore, R ; Nahn, S ; Navarrete, J J ; Okle, M ; Orlinov, I ; Ostojic, R ; Pandoulas, D ; Paolucci, P ; Parascandolo, P ; Passeggio, G ; Patricelli, S ; Peach, D ; Piccolo, D ; Pigni, L ; Postema, H ; Puras, C ; Ren, D ; Rewiersma, P A M ; Rietmeyer, A ; Riles, K ; Risco, J ; Robohm, A ; Rodin, J ; Röser, U ; Romero, L ; Van Rossum, W ; Rykaczewski, H ; Sarakinos, M E ; Sassowsky, M ; Shchegelskii, V ; Scholz, N ; Schultze, K ; Schuylenburg, H ; Sciacca, C ; Seiler, P G ; Siedenburg, T ; Siedling, R ; Smith, B ; Soulimov, V ; Sadhakar, K ; Syben, O ; Tonutti, M ; Udovcic, A ; Ulbricht, J ; Veillet, L ; Vergain, M ; Viertel, Gert M ; Von Gunten, H P ; Vorobyov, A A ; Vrankovic, V ; De Waard, A ; Waldmeier-Wicki, S ; Wallraff, W ; Walter, H C ; Wang, J C ; Wei, Z L ; Wetter, R ; Willmott, C ; Wittgenstein, F ; Wu, R J ; Yang, K S ; Zhou, L ; Zhou, Y ; Zuang, H L

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1996
Imprint 1996
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 383 (1996) 342-366
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(96)00777-2
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; L3
Abstract The Forward-Backward muon detector of the L3 experiment is presented. Intended to be used for LEP 200 physics, it consists of 96 self-calibrating drift chambers of a new design enclosing the magnet pole pieces of the L3 solenoid. The pole pieces are toroidally magnetized to form two independent analyzing spectrometers. A novel trigger is provided by resistive plate counters attached to the drift chambers. Details about the design, construction and performance of the whole system are given together with results obtained during the 1995 running at LEP.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Element opprettet 1996-08-28, sist endret 2018-09-24

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