CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 6th Workshop on Radio-Frequency Superconductivity
Date(s), location 4 - 8 Oct 1993, Newport News, VA, USA
Editor(s) Sundelin, Ronald M (ed.)
Imprint 1994 - 2 v.
In: Part. Accel. 46, 1-3 (1994)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C93-10-04.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status And Applications Of $\beta$ = 1 Superconducting Cavities (p. 1)
by Bonin, B
Performance Of SRF Systems In Large Scale Applications (p. 19)
by Hovater, J C
An Update On Windows, Couplers, Higher Order Mode Damping, and Interlocks (p. 83)
by Phillips, L
Experience With Control Of Frequency, Amplitude And Phase (p. 117)
by Simrock, S N
The use of superconducting RF for high current applications (p. 151)
by Kirchgessner, J L
Superconducting cavities for neutron spallation sources and other high intensity proton accelerators (p. 163)
by Lengeler, Herbert
TESLA Parameters Update : A Progress Report On The Tesla collider Design(p. 185)
by Edwards, H T
Field emission in rf cavities : observation of light spots at high electric fields
by Junquera, T
Evolution of the RF systems layout for the SSC collider rings
by Schaffer, G
Long term performance of the superconducting cavities of the Saclay heavy ion linac
by Cauvin, B
First operational experience in running a new 6 kW cryoplant superconducting cavities in LEP at 4.5 K
by Barranco-Luque, M
Development of HOM absorber for KEK B-factory SC cavities
by Tajima, T
Bonding of a microwave-absorbing ferrite, TDK IB-004, with copper for the HOM damper of the KEK B-factory SC cavities
by Tajima, T
Evaluation of dust particles in the KEK clean room and cleaning methods used for SC cavity assembly
by Tajima, T
Activities on cryostats and SRF cavities at the IPN Orsay laboratory
by Bühler, S
Activities of superconducting cavity for KEK B-factory
by Mitsunobu, S
Test results on high gradient L-band superconducting cavities
by Kako, E
An instrument for internal surface analysis of LEP 200 superconducting radiofrequency cavities
by Lacarrère, D
Influence of copper substrate treatments on properties of niobium coatings
by Calatroni, Sergio
Study of ultra-clean surface for niobium SC cavities
by Saitô, K
High power testing of superconducting cavities for LEP
by Brown, P
Performance recovery of the TRISTAN superconducting RF cavities
by Asano, K
Status of the RF superconductivity at CERN
by Cavallari, Giorgio
Superconducting hydroformed niobium sputter coated copper cavities at 1.5 GHz
by Bernard, P
Industrial production of superconducting niobium sputter coated copper cavities for LEP
by Chiaveri, Enrico
Expected dependence of Nb-coated rf cavity performance on the characteristics of niobium film
by Orlandi, G
TESLA activities at KEK
by Saitô, K

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