CERN Accelerating science

Title Recent results from diamond microstrip detectors

Bauer, C ; Baumann, I ; Colledani, C ; Conway, J ; Delpierre, P A ; Djama, F ; Dulinski, W ; Fallou, A ; Gan, K K ; Gilmore, R S ; Grigoriev, E A ; Hallewell, G D ; Han, S ; Hessing, T L ; Hrubec, Josef ; Husson, D ; Kagan, H ; Kania, D R ; Kass, R ; Kinnison, W W ; Knöpfle, K T ; Krammer, Manfred ; Llewellyn, T J ; Manfredi, P F ; Pan, L S ; Pernegger, H ; Pernicka, Manfred ; Plano, R J ; Re, V ; Roe, S ; Rudge, A ; Schäffer, M ; Schnetzer, S R ; Somalwar, S V ; Speziali, V ; Stone, R ; Tapper, R J ; Tesarek, R J ; Trischuk, W ; Turchetta, R ; Thomson, G B ; Wagner, R ; Weilhammer, Peter ; White, C ; Zoeller, M M

Publication 1995
Number of pages 5
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 367 (1995) 202-206
In: 7th Wire Chamber Conference, Vienna, Austria, 13 - 17 Feb 1995, pp.207-211
DOI 10.1016/0168-9002(95)00539-0
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; RD42
Abstract Diamond is a nearly ideal material for detecting ionizing radiation. Its promising radiation hardness, fast charge collection and extremely low leakage current allow a diamond detector to be used in high radiation, high temperature and aggressive chemical environments. We have built the first Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) diamond microstrip detectors for tests in high energy particle beams. These detectors consist of 50 μm wide strips on a 100 μm pitch; the back side consists of a single electrode plane to bias the diamond. The signal to noise ratio and position resolution measured in a high energy beam at CERN are presented.

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 Record created 1996-05-03, last modified 2018-09-24