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Report number arXiv:2412.07606
Title Testbeam Characterization of a SiGe BiCMOS Monolithic Silicon Pixel Detector with Internal Gain Layer
Author(s) Paolozzi, L. (Geneva U.) ; Milanesio, M. (Geneva U.) ; Moretti, T. (Geneva U.) ; Cardella, R. (Geneva U.) ; Kugathasan, T. (Geneva U.) ; Picardi, A. (Geneva U.) ; Elviretti, M. (CERN) ; Rücker, H. (CERN) ; Cadoux, F. (Geneva U.) ; Cardarelli, R. (Geneva U.) ; Cecconi, L. (Geneva U.) ; Débieux, S. (Geneva U.) ; Favre, Y. (Geneva U.) ; Fenoglio, C.A. (Geneva U.) ; Ferrere, D. (Geneva U.) ; Gonzalez-Sevilla, S. (Geneva U.) ; Iodice, L. (Geneva U.) ; Kotitsa, R. (Geneva U. ; CERN) ; Magliocca, C. (Geneva U.) ; Nessi, M. (Geneva U. ; IHP, Frankfurt) ; Pizarro-Medina, A. (Geneva U.) ; Saidi, J. (Geneva U.) ; Pinto, M. Vicente Barreto (Geneva U.) ; Zambito, S. (Geneva U.) ; Iacobucci, G. (Geneva U.)
Document contact Contact: arXiv
Imprint 2024-12-10
Number of pages 18
Subject category physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract A monolithic silicon pixel ASIC prototype, produced in 2024 as part of the Horizon 2020 MONOLITH ERC Advanced project, was tested with a 120 GeV/c pion beam. The ASIC features a matrix of hexagonal pixels with a 100 μ m pitch, read by low-noise, high-speed front-end electronics built using 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology. It includes the PicoAD sensor, which employs a continuous, deep PN junction to generate avalanche gain. Data were taken across power densities from 0.05 to 2.6 W/cm2 and sensor bias voltages from 90 to 180 V. At the highest bias voltage, corresponding to an electron gain of 50, and maximum power density, an efficiency of (99.99 ± 0.01)% was achieved. The time resolution at this working point was (24.3 \pm 0.2) ps before time-walk correction, improving to (12.1 \pm 0.3) ps after correction.
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 Record created 2024-12-12, last modified 2024-12-13

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