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Report number arXiv:2409.05454
Title Probing strangeness with event topology classifiers in pp collisions at the LHC with rope hadronization mechanism in PYTHIA
Author(s) Prasad, Suraj (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Bhagyarathi (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Tripathy, Sushanta (CERN) ; Mallick, Neelkamal (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore) ; Sahoo, Raghunath (Indian Inst. Tech., Indore)
Imprint 2024-09-09
Number of pages 14
Note 14 pages and 12 captioned figures. Submitted for publication
Subject category nucl-th ; Nuclear Physics - Theory ; nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment ; hep-th ; Particle Physics - Theory ; hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract In relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the formation of a deconfined and thermalized state of partons, known as quark-gluon plasma, leads to enhanced production of strange hadrons in contrast to proton-proton (pp) collisions, which are taken as baseline. This observation is known as strangeness enhancement in heavy-ion collisions and is considered one of the important signatures that can signify the formation of QGP. However, in addition to strangeness enhancement, recent measurements hint at observing several heavy-ion-like features in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC energies. Alternatively, event shape observables, such as charged particle multiplicity, transverse spherocity, transverse sphericity, charged particle flattenicity, and relative transverse activity classifiers, can fundamentally separate hard interaction-dominated jetty events from soft isotropic events. These features of event shape observables can probe the observed heavy-ion-like features in pp collisions with significantly reduced selection bias and can bring all collision systems on equal footing. In this article, we present an extensive summary of the strange particle ratios to pions as a function of different event classifiers using the PYTHIA 8 model with color reconnection and rope hadronization mechanisms to understand the microscopic origin of strangeness enhancement in pp collisions and also prescribe the applicability of these event classifiers in the context of strangeness enhancement. Charged-particle flattenicity is found to be most suited for the study of strangeness enhancement, and it shows a similar quantitative enhancement as seen for the analysis based on the number of multi-parton interactions.
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