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Report number arXiv:2410.06250
Title Statistics of topological defects across a phase transition in a superconducting quantum processor
Author(s) Teplitskiy, Daniil (CERN) ; Kiss, Oriel (CERN) ; Grossi, Michele (CERN) ; Mandarino, Antonio (Gdansk U. ; Milan U.)
Imprint 2024-10-08
Number of pages 7
Note 4 pages, 3 figures
Subject category cond-mat.stat-mech ; quant-ph ; General Theoretical Physics
Abstract When a quantum phase transition is crossed within a finite time, critical slowing down disrupts adiabatic dynamics, resulting in the formation of topological defects. The average density of these defects scales with the quench rate, adhering to a universal power law as predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). In this study, we aim to investigate the counting statistics of kink density in the 1D transverse-field quantum Ising model. We demonstrate on a 20-qubit quantum processing unit, that higher-order cumulants follow a universal power law scaling as a function of the quench time. We also show the breakdown of the KZM mechanism for short quenches for finite-size systems. Tensor network simulations corroborate our quantum simulation results for bigger systems not in the asymptotic limit.
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 Record created 2024-12-11, last modified 2025-01-20

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