CERN Accelerating science

Title An alexandrite laser system for positronium laser cooling
Author(s) Gusakova, N (CERN ; Norwegian U. Sci. Tech.) ; Camper, A (Oslo U.) ; Caravita, R (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento) ; Penasa, L (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento ; U. Trento (main)) ; Glöggler, L T (CERN) ; Wolz, T (CERN) ; Krumins, V (CERN ; Latvia U.) ; Gustafsson, F P (CERN) ; Huck, S (CERN ; Hamburg U.) ; Volponi, M (CERN ; Trento U. ; INFN, Trento ; U. Trento (main)) ; Rienäcker, B (Liverpool U.) ; Khatri, G (CERN) ; Malamant, J (Oslo U.) ; Mariazzi, S (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento ; U. Trento (main)) ; Brusa, R S (Trento U. ; INFN, Trento ; U. Trento (main)) ; Cabaret, L (Unlisted) ; Comparat, D (LAC, Orsay) ; Doser, M (CERN)
Publication 2024
Number of pages 8
In: Opt. Laser Technol. 182 (2025) 112097
DOI 10.1016/j.optlastec.2024.112097 (publication)
Subject category Quantum Technology
Abstract We report on a Q-switched alexandrite based ∼100ns long pulse duration ultra-violet laser system. The central wavelength of the fundamental pulse is set by a Volume Bragg Grating in reflection and can be tuned between 728nm and 742nm. The spectral bandwidth is ∼130GHz. This laser system was designed in view of Doppler cooling of a cloud of a near room temperature positronium by strongly saturating the 13S–23P transition. In addition, we report on the development of a KD*P Pockels cell driver designed to both Q-switch the cavity and induce a sharp falling edge of the laser pulse so that the end of the positronium-laser interaction time can be controlled with nanosecond precision. •Positronium laser cooling.•Long UV laser pulse.•Volume Bragg grating.•Square-shape.
Copyright/License publication: © 2024-2025 The Authors (License: CC BY 4.0)

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 Записът е създаден на 2024-12-10, последна промяна на 2024-12-10

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