Pagina principale > New ideas for measurements and searches at the HL-LHC |
CMS Note | |
Report number | CMS-CR-2024-289 |
Title | New ideas for measurements and searches at the HL-LHC |
Author(s) | Soffi, Livia (INFN, Rome) |
Publication | 2024 |
Collaboration | ALICE Collaboration ; ATLAS Collaboration ; CMS Collaboration ; LHCB Collaboration |
Imprint | 28 Oct 2024 |
Number of pages | 8 |
Published in: | PoS LHCP2024 (2024) 337 |
Presented at | 12th Edition of the Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2024), Boston, United States, 3 - 7 Jun 2024, pp.337 |
DOI | 10.22323/1.478.0337 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment | CERN LHC ; ALICE,ATLAS,CMS,LHCB |
Keywords | Physics |
Abstract | The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) will operate at unprecedented luminosity, with substantial data boosts enhancing the search for new physics and precision measurements. This paper explores advancements in detector technology, novel search strategies, and cutting-edge analysis techniques aimed at maximizing the HL-LHC's physics potential. We focus on the challenges of high pileup, precision measurements of Higgs boson properties, searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, and improvements in handling complex data with machine learning. Through these innovations, the HL-LHC will push the boundaries of our understanding in particle physics. |
Other source | Inspire |