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Report number arXiv:2411.04268 ; CERN-TH-2024-192 ; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0785-T
Title FLAG Review 2024

Aoki, Y. (RIKEN AICS, Kobe) ; Blum, T. (UConn, Storrs ; RIKEN BNL) ; Collins, S. (U. Regensburg (main)) ; Del Debbio, L. (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Della Morte, M. (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins) ; Dimopoulos, P. (U. Parma (main) ; INFN, Parma) ; Feng, X. (Peking U. ; CICQM, Beijing ; Peking U., CHEP ; Peking U., SKLNPT) ; Golterman, M. (San Francisco State U) ; Gottlieb, Steven (Indiana U., Bloomington (main)) ; Gupta, R. (Los Alamos) ; Herdoiza, G. (Madrid, IFT ; U. Autonoma, Madrid (main)) ; Hernandez, P. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Jüttner, A. (U. Southampton (main) ; CERN) ; Kaneko, T. (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Lunghi, E. (Indiana U., Bloomington (main)) ; Meinel, S. (Arizona U. (main)) ; Monahan, C. (William-Mary Coll. ; Colorado U., Colorado Springs) ; Nicholson, A. (UNC, Chapel Hill) ; Onogi, T. ; Petreczky, P. (Brookhaven) ; Portelli, A. (RIKEN AICS, Kobe ; U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys. ; CERN) ; Ramos, A. (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Sharpe, S.R. (Washington U., Seattle) ; Simone, J.N. (Fermilab) ; Sint, S. (Hamilton Math. Inst., Dublin) ; Sommer, R. (DESY, Zeuthen ; Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Tantalo, N. (Rome U., Tor Vergata) ; Van de Water, R. (Fermilab) ; Vaquero, A. (U. Zaragoza (main)) ; Wenger, U. (U. Bern, AEC) ; Wittig, H. (U. Mainz, PRISMA ; Darmstadt, GSI)

Imprint 2024-11-06
Number of pages 435
Note 435 pages, 53 Figures, 190 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.09849, arXiv:1902.08191
Subject category hep-ph ; Particle Physics - Phenomenology ; hep-lat ; Particle Physics - Lattice
Abstract We review lattice results related to pion, kaon, $D$-meson, $B$-meson, and nucleon physics with the aim of making them easily accessible to the nuclear and particle physics communities. More specifically, we report on the determination of the light-quark masses, the form factor $f_+(0)$ arising in the semileptonic $K \to \pi$ transition at zero momentum transfer, as well as the decay-constant ratio $f_K/f_\pi$ and its consequences for the CKM matrix elements $V_{us}$ and $V_{ud}$. We review the determination of the $B_K$ parameter of neutral kaon mixing as well as the additional four $B$ parameters that arise in theories of physics beyond the Standard Model. For the heavy-quark sector, we provide results for $m_c$ and $m_b$ as well as those for the decay constants, form factors, and mixing parameters of charmed and bottom mesons and baryons. These are the heavy-quark quantities most relevant for the determination of CKM matrix elements and the global CKM unitarity-triangle fit. We review the status of lattice determinations of the strong coupling constant $\alpha_s$. We review the determinations of nucleon charges from the matrix elements of both isovector and flavour-diagonal axial, scalar and tensor local quark bilinears, and momentum fraction, helicity moment and the transversity moment from one-link quark bilinears. We also review determinations of scale-setting quantities. Finally, in this review we have added a new section on the general definition of the low-energy limit of the Standard Model.
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 Rekord stworzony 2024-11-09, ostatnia modyfikacja 2024-12-06

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