CERN Accélérateur de science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-DRDC-91-43 ; DRDC-P-32
Title Proposal for continuing studies on lead/scintillating fibres calorimetry (LFC)
Author(s) Anzivino, Giuseppina ; Arzarello, Francesco ; Bari, G ; Basile, M ; Bellagamba, L ; Bencheikh, C ; Boscherini, D ; Bruni, G ; Bruni, P ; Buzuloiu, V ; Cara Romeo, G ; Chiarini, M ; Cifarelli, Luisa ; Cindolo, F ; Ciralli, F ; Contin, A ; Dardo, M ; De Pasquale, S ; DeSalvo, R ; Frasconi, F ; Gheorghe, A ; Giusti, P ; Hao, E ; Iacobucci, G ; Laurenti, G ; Lundin, M ; Maccarrone, G D ; Margotti, A ; Massam, Thomas ; Mondardini, M R ; Nania, R ; Peskov, Vladimir ; Sartorelli, G ; Scioni, M ; Timellini, R ; Wang, Y ; Xu, C ; You, K ; Zichichi, Antonino
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. Detector Research and Development Committee
Submitted by 1991
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment RD25
Abstract Starting from the results obtained in the framework of the LAA Project 2B, we propose a continuation of the R&D on lead/scintillating fibres calorimetry ("spaghetti calorimetry"), including further tests on the old calorimeter prototypes and the construction and testing of new prototypes. The main results we pursue concern the performances of a projective calorimeter built with new, cheaper techniques and the radiation hardness of the scintillating fibres; the optimization of a preshower detector system is also studied.
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