CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2404.15499
Title Timing resolution performance of Timepix4 bump-bonded assemblies
Author(s) Bolzonella, R. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Alozy, J. (CERN) ; Ballabriga, R. (CERN) ; van Beuzekom, M. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Biesuz, N.V. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Campbell, M. (CERN) ; Cardarelli, P. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Cavallini, V. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Coco, V. (CERN) ; Cotta Ramusino, A. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Fiorini, M. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Gromov, V. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Guarise, M. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Cudie, X. Llopart (CERN) ; Okamura, S. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Romolini, G. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Saputi, A. (INFN, Ferrara) ; Vitkovskiy, A. (NIKHEF, Amsterdam)
Publication 2024-07-22
Imprint 2024-04-23
Number of pages 24
Note 24 pages, 31 figures, Prepared for submission to JINST
In: JINST 19 (2024) P07021
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/19/07/P07021
Subject category physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract The timing performance of the Timepix4 application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) bump-bonded to a $100\;\mu\textrm{m}$ thick n-on-p silicon sensor is presented. A picosecond pulsed infrared laser was used to generate electron-hole pairs in the silicon bulk in a repeatable fashion, controlling the amount, position and time of the stimulated charge signal. The timing resolution for a single pixel has been measured to $107\;\textrm{ps}$ r.m.s. for laser-stimulated signals in the silicon sensor bulk. Considering multi-pixel clusters, the measured timing resolution reached $33\;\textrm{ps}$ r.m.s. exploiting oversampling of the timing information over several pixels.
Copyright/License publication: © 2024-2025 The Author(s) (License: CC-BY-4.0)
preprint: (License: CC BY-SA 4.0)

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 Записът е създаден на 2024-06-11, последна промяна на 2024-11-12

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