Accueil > CERN Departments > Physics (PH) > EP-R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments > EP-R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments (EP RDET) > Ultrathin four-quadrant silicon photodiodes for beam position and monitor applications: Characterization and radiation effects |
Article | |
Title | Ultrathin four-quadrant silicon photodiodes for beam position and monitor applications: Characterization and radiation effects |
Author(s) | Rafí, J M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Quirion, D (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Duch, M (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Paz, I Lopez (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Dauderys, V (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Claus, T (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Moffat, N (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) ; Molas, B (CELLS - ALBA, LLS) ; Tsunoda, I (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Yoneoka, M (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Takakura, K (Kumamoto Nat. Coll. Tech.) ; Kramberger, G (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) ; Moll, M (CERN) ; Pellegrini, G (Barcelona, Inst. Microelectron.) |
Publication | 2023 |
Number of pages | 8 |
In: | Solid State Electron. 209 (2023) 108756 |
DOI | 10.1016/j.sse.2023.108756 |
Subject category | Health Physics and Radiation Effects ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Project | CERN-EP-RDET |
Abstract | Ultrathin semiconductor photodiodes are of interest for beam position and monitoring in X-ray synchrotron beamlines and particle therapy medical applications. In this work, single and four-quadrant diodes have been fabricated on ultrathin Si films with thicknesses of 10 μm, 5 μm and 3 μm from silicon on insulator (SOI) substrates. Physical and electrical characterization of the devices has been carried out. Good functional electrical characteristics have been obtained for the devices fabricated on the different silicon thicknesses. The impact of electron, neutron and proton irradiations on the electrical characteristics has been studied for the 10 μm-thick devices. In spite of the observed diode leakage current increase and positive charge trapping in interquadrant isolation oxide, functional operation as radiation detector is verified upon illumination with a pulsed laser beam transient current technique. |
Copyright/License | Publication: © 2024-2025 The Authors (License: CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0) |