Home > Measurements on triple-GEM detectors with highly segmented readout board in test beam |
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Title | Measurements on triple-GEM detectors with highly segmented readout board in test beam |
Author(s) | Aruta, C (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Bianco, M (CERN) ; Colaleo, A (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Everaerts, P (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Galloni, C (Wisconsin U., Madison) ; Kang, Y (Seoul Natl. U.) ; Lee, J (Seoul Natl. U.) ; Maggi, M (INFN, Bari) ; Pellecchia, A (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Petre, L (Brussels U.) ; Radogna, R (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Simone, F M (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Stamerra, A (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Venditti, R (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) ; Verwilligen, P (INFN, Bari) ; Zaza, A (INFN, Bari ; Bari U.) |
Publication | 2023 |
Number of pages | 4 |
In: | Nuovo Cimento C 46 (2023) 103 |
In: | 108th Congresso Nazionale della Societa Italiana di Fisica (SIF 2022), Milan, Italy, 12 - 16 Sep 2022, pp.103 |
DOI | 10.1393/ncc/i2023-23103-1 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Abstract | Low EMittance Muon Accelerator scheme (LEMMA) has been proposed for the future Muon Collider. This solution provides muon beams through the reaction e+e - . µ+µ - . In this context, a test beam campaign was planned to detect the two narrow collimated muon beams and measure their intensity and emittance. Such a measurement requires detectors with high spatial resolution (O(100 µm)) to track the produced muon beams. In the setup, we propose to include triple- GEM detectors with digital readout capable of reaching spatial resolution below 100 µm. This article shows the performance studies, in terms of efficiency and spatial resolution, held on small size prototypes of triple-GEM detector with a special read out board during the RD51 Test Beam held in October 2021. |
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