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Report number arXiv:2308.14862
Title Pinning down electron correlations in RaF via spectroscopy of excited states
Author(s) ISOLDE Collaboration  ყველა 56 ავტორის ჩვენება
Imprint 2023-08-28
Number of pages 18
Note Significant changes compared to previous version with additional experimental data. Accepted for publication under a different title
Subject category physics.chem-ph ; Chemical Physics and Chemistry ; nucl-ex ; Nuclear Physics - Experiment ; physics.atom-ph ; Other Fields of Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISOLDE
Abstract We report the spectroscopy of the 14 lowest excited electronic states in the radioactive molecule radium monofluoride (RaF). The observed excitation energies are compared with fully relativistic state-of-the-art Fock-space coupled cluster (FS-RCC) calculations, which achieve an agreement of >=99.64% (within  12 meV) with experiment for all states. Guided by theory, a firm assignment of the angular momentum and term symbol is made for 10 states and a tentative assignment for 4 states. The role of high-order electron correlation and quantum electrodynamics effects in the excitation energy of excited states is studied, found to be important for all states. Establishing the simultaneous accuracy and precision of calculations is an important step for research at the intersection of particle, nuclear, and chemical physics, including searches of physics beyond the Standard Model, for which RaF is a promising probe.
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 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2023-11-28, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2024-12-25

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