Hovedsiden > Arrival and unpacking of the Radio Frequency Dipole (RFD) prototype superconducting crab cavity cryomodule in the SM18 hall at CERN |
Photolab / Photolab / Accelerators | CERN-PHOTO-202311-255 |
Arrival and unpacking of the Radio Frequency Dipole (RFD) prototype superconducting crab cavity cryomodule in the SM18 hall at CERN
The UK delivered a prototype superconducting crab cavity cryomodule to CERN as part of High Luminosity upgrade to LHC. The UK teams have successfully delivered the first prototype of these cryomodules that utilises the Radio Frequency Dipole (RFD) cavity design. Crab cavities allow bunches to be fully aligned at collision, providing much more collisions, but LHC will be the first to operate them with a proton beam. Operating at 2 K (2 degrees above absolute zero), these cavities are housed in complex, state-of-the-art modules (called cryomodules) which provides precise alignment, mechanical support, cryogenic cooling, thermal and magnetic shielding, tuning capability, vacuum isolation, radio frequency power, monitoring of key parameters, and all other connections to the outside world. The RFD prototype cryomodule will be installed in the Super Proton Synchrotron at CERN to understand its behaviour when operating on proton beams.
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