| Carobene, Rodolfo (Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Technol. Innovation Inst., UAE) ; Candido, Alessandro (Milan U. ; INFN, Milan ; CERN) ; Serrano, Javier (Technol. Innovation Inst., UAE ; Barcelona, Autonoma U.) ; Orgaz-Fuertes, Alvaro (Technol. Innovation Inst., UAE) ; Giachero, Andrea (Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Carrazza, Stefano (Technol. Innovation Inst., UAE ; Milan U. ; INFN, Milan ; CERN) |
| We present Qibosoq, an open-source server-side software package designed for radio frequency system on chip (RFSoC) for executing arbitrary pulse sequences on self-hosted quantum processing units. Qibosoq bridges the RFSoC firmware provided by Qick, a Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit, with Qibo, a quantum computing middleware framework. It enables experimentalists and developers to delegate all complex aspects of client-server communication protocols to the library, implementing tests and validation protocols. The client-side integration is achieved with dedicated drivers implemented in Qibolab, the specialized software module of Qibo for quantum hardware control. Therefore, this setup provides a seamless mechanism to deploy circuit-based algorithms on custom self-hosted quantum hardware platforms controlled by RFSoC electronics. We first describe the status of all components of the software package, then we show examples of control setup for superconducting qubits platforms. Finally, we present successful application results related to RFSoC performance and circuit-based algorithms. |