CERN Accelerating science

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Report number INFN-BE-95-03
Title The large angle electromagnetic shower calorimeter for CLAS : module design and optimisation of performances
Author(s) Taiuti, M ; Mokeev, V I ; Anghinolfi, M ; Bianchi, N ; Capitani, G P ; Corvisiero, P ; De Sanctis, E ; Levi-Sandri, P ; Muccifora, V ; Olcese, M ; Polli, E ; Ricco, G ; Reolon, A R ; Ripani, M ; Rossi, P ; Sanzone, M ; Zucchiatti, A
Publication 1995
Imprint 3 Mar 1995
Number of pages 14
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Other source Inspire


 Registro creado el 1995-07-27, última modificación el 2016-07-04

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