CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 31st Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC22)
Related conference title(s) LINAC 2022
Date(s), location 28 Aug - 2 Sep 2022, Liverpool, UK
Editor(s) McIntosh, Peter (ed.) ; Burt, Graeme (ed.) ; Apsimon, Robert (ed.) ; Schaa, Volker R.W. (ed.)
Imprint 2022
In: JACoW LINAC22 (2022)
ISBN 9783954502158
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Contributions in Inspire: C22-08-28.3
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

First Years of Linac4 RF Operation (p. 25)
by Ramberger, Suitbert
A Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Source Based on X-Band Technology and Cavity-Enhanced High-Average-Power Ultrafast Lasers (p. 44)
by Latina, Andrea
Linac Design within HITRIplus for Particle Therapy (p. 134)
by Ratzinger, Ulrich
Cell Geometry Optimization for Dipole Kick Correction in a High-Frequency IH Structure (p. 146)
by López López, Ricardo
Effect of High-Magnetic Field Region Geometry on the Efficiency of a 750 MHz IH Structure (p. 150)
by Moreno, Gabriela
High-Power Testing Results of X-Band RF-Window and 45 Degrees Spiral Load (p. 279)
by Boronat, Marça
Monte Carlo Model of High-Voltage Conditioning and Operation (p. 283)
by Millar, William
SWELL and Other SRF Split Cavity Development (p. 300)
by Peauger, F
Design and Test of Beam Diagnostics Equipment for the FAIR Proton Linac (p. 348)
by Sieber, Thomas
Microscopy Investigation on Different Materials After Pulsed High Field Conditioning and Low Energy H$^{-}$ Irradiation (p. 422)
by Da Palma Serafim, Catarina
RF Measurements and Tuning of the CERN 750 MHz ELISA-RFQ for Public Exhibition (p. 426)
by Marchi, Mariangela
Beam Dynamics and RF Design Studies for the New RFQ for CERN Linac4 Upgrade (p. 430)
by Pommerenke, Hermann
Pulsed DC High Field Measurements of Irradiated and Non-Irradiated Electrodes of Different Materials (p. 441)
by Peacock, Ruth
Design of an X-Band Bunching and Accelerating System for AWAKE Run 2 (p. 458)
by Arnesano, Jordan Matias
Beam Loading Simulation for Relativistic and Ultrarelativistic Beams in the Tracking Code RF-Track (p. 569)
by Olivares Herrador, Javier
A Start-to-End Optimisation Strategy for the CompactLight Accelerator Beamline (p. 573)
by Zhao, Yongke
Run 2 of the Advanced Plasma Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN (p. 625)
by Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni
The CompactLight Design Study (p. 642)
by Latina, Andrea
Electron Beam Based Leather Tanning (p. 645)
by Apsimon, Robert
Low Level RF Control Algorithms for the CERN Proton LINAC4 (p. 673)
by Baudrenghien, Philippe
RF Design of Traveling-Wave Accelerating Structures for the FCC-ee Pre-injector Complex (p. 707)
by Pommerenke, Hermann
Status of the CLEAR User Facility at CERN and its Experiments (p. 753)
by Corsini, Roberto
Methods for VHEE/FLASH Radiotherapy Studies and High Dose Rate Dosimetry at the CLEAR User Facility (p. 758)
by Korysko, Pierre

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 Registro creado el 2022-11-08, última modificación el 2022-11-09