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First Years of Linac4 RF Operation (p. 25) |
by Ramberger, Suitbert |
A Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Source Based on X-Band Technology and Cavity-Enhanced High-Average-Power Ultrafast Lasers (p. 44) |
by Latina, Andrea |
Linac Design within HITRIplus for Particle Therapy (p. 134) |
by Ratzinger, Ulrich |
Cell Geometry Optimization for Dipole Kick Correction in a High-Frequency IH Structure (p. 146) |
by López López, Ricardo |
Effect of High-Magnetic Field Region Geometry on the Efficiency of a 750 MHz IH Structure (p. 150) |
by Moreno, Gabriela |
High-Power Testing Results of X-Band RF-Window and 45 Degrees Spiral Load (p. 279) |
by Boronat, Marça |
Monte Carlo Model of High-Voltage Conditioning and Operation (p. 283) |
by Millar, William |
SWELL and Other SRF Split Cavity Development (p. 300) |
by Peauger, F |
Design and Test of Beam Diagnostics Equipment for the FAIR Proton Linac (p. 348) |
by Sieber, Thomas |
Microscopy Investigation on Different Materials After Pulsed High Field Conditioning and Low Energy H$^{-}$ Irradiation (p. 422) |
by Da Palma Serafim, Catarina |
RF Measurements and Tuning of the CERN 750 MHz ELISA-RFQ for Public Exhibition (p. 426) |
by Marchi, Mariangela |
Beam Dynamics and RF Design Studies for the New RFQ for CERN Linac4 Upgrade (p. 430) |
by Pommerenke, Hermann |
Pulsed DC High Field Measurements of Irradiated and Non-Irradiated Electrodes of Different Materials (p. 441) |
by Peacock, Ruth |
Design of an X-Band Bunching and Accelerating System for AWAKE Run 2 (p. 458) |
by Arnesano, Jordan Matias |
Beam Loading Simulation for Relativistic and Ultrarelativistic Beams in the Tracking Code RF-Track (p. 569) |
by Olivares Herrador, Javier |
A Start-to-End Optimisation Strategy for the CompactLight Accelerator Beamline (p. 573) |
by Zhao, Yongke |
Run 2 of the Advanced Plasma Wakefield Experiment (AWAKE) at CERN (p. 625) |
by Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni |
The CompactLight Design Study (p. 642) |
by Latina, Andrea |
Electron Beam Based Leather Tanning (p. 645) |
by Apsimon, Robert |
Low Level RF Control Algorithms for the CERN Proton LINAC4 (p. 673) |
by Baudrenghien, Philippe |
RF Design of Traveling-Wave Accelerating Structures for the FCC-ee Pre-injector Complex (p. 707) |
by Pommerenke, Hermann |
Status of the CLEAR User Facility at CERN and its Experiments (p. 753) |
by Corsini, Roberto |
Methods for VHEE/FLASH Radiotherapy Studies and High Dose Rate Dosimetry at the CLEAR User Facility (p. 758) |
by Korysko, Pierre |
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Registro creado el 2022-11-08, última modificación el 2022-11-09