CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:2208.11019
Title Testbeam Results of the Picosecond Avalanche Detector Proof-Of-Concept Prototype
Author(s) Iacobucci, G. (Geneva U.) ; Zambito, S. (Geneva U.) ; Milanesio, M. (Geneva U.) ; Moretti, T. (Geneva U.) ; Saidi, J. (Geneva U.) ; Paolozzi, L. (Geneva U. ; CERN) ; Munker, M. (Geneva U.) ; Cardella, R. (Geneva U.) ; Martinelli, F. (Geneva U.) ; Picardi, A. (Geneva U. ; CERN) ; Rücker, H. (IHP, Frankfurt) ; Trusch, A. (IHP, Frankfurt) ; Valerio, P. (Geneva U.) ; Cadoux, F. (Geneva U.) ; Cardarelli, R. (Geneva U.) ; Débieux, S. (Geneva U.) ; Favre, Y. (Geneva U.) ; Fenoglio, C.A. (Geneva U.) ; Ferrere, D. (Geneva U.) ; Gonzalez-Sevilla, S. (Geneva U.) ; Gurimskaya, Y. (Geneva U.) ; Kotitsa, R. (Geneva U. ; CERN) ; Magliocca, C. (Geneva U.) ; Nessi, M. (Geneva U. ; CERN) ; Pizarro-Medina, A. (Geneva U.) ; Iglesias, J. Sabater (Geneva U.) ; Pinto, M. Vicente Barreto (Geneva U.)
Publication 2022-10-25
Imprint 2022-08-23
Number of pages 22
In: JINST 17 (2022) P10040
DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/17/10/P10040 (publication)
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Abstract The proof-of-concept prototype of the Picosecond Avalanche Detector, a multi-PN junction monolithic silicon detector with continuous gain layer deep in the sensor depleted region, was tested with a beam of 180 GeV pions at the CERN SPS. The prototype features low noise and fast SiGe BiCMOS frontend electronics and hexagonal pixels with 100 μm pitch. At a sensor bias voltage of 125 V, the detector provides full efficiency and average time resolution of 30, 25 and 17 ps in the overall pixel area for a power consumption of 0.4, 0.9 and 2.7 W/cm^2, respectively. In this first prototype the time resolution depends significantly on the distance from the center of the pixel, varying at the highest power consumption measured between 13 ps at the center of the pixel and 25 ps in the inter-pixel region.
Copyright/License preprint: (License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
publication: © 2022-2025 CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Запись создана 2022-09-09, последняя модификация 2023-06-29

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