CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference
Related conference title(s) CEC/ICMC 2021
CEC 2021
ICMC 2021
Date(s), location 19 - 23 Jul 2021, Online
Editor(s) Collective
Imprint IOP, 2022
In: IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. (2021)

Contributions in Inspire: C21-07-19.3
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

An innovative approach for the design of cryogenic electrical and process control systems at CERN: the cryogenic Continuous Integration project (p. 12042)
by Barbe, T
Beam induced heat load instrumentation installed in LHC during the Long Shutdown 2 (p. 12043)
by Bradu, B
Liquid helium level regulation improvement in the LHC electrical distribution feedboxes (p. 12045)
by Bradu, B
Small scale time projection chamber setup to test the purity of liquid krypton from the NA62 experiment at CERN (p. 12046)
by Liberadzka-Porret, J
Remote cooling systems with mesh-based heat exchangers for cryogenic applications (p. 12049)
by Onufrena, A
Overview and status of the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility Far Site cryogenics system (p. 12085)
by Montanari, D
Functional analysis and design of the cryogenic system for the HL-LHC IT String test bench at CERN (p. 12093)
by Rolando, G
Thermohydraulic simulation of quenches and quench recovery for the HL-LHC IT String test bench at CERN (p. 12101)
by Rolando, G
Operational experience with the Proto-DUNE NP02 and NP04 large volume liquid argon cryostats and their cryogenic systems at CERN (p. 12118)
by Bremer, J
Automatic LHC accelerator warm-up and cool-down experience during the Long Shutdown 2 (p. 12119)
by Bradu, B
Cryogenic performances of a heat exchanger prototype suitable for the superconducting HL-LHC recombination dipole D2 (p. 12120)
by Rousset, B
Assessment of the operation safety margin of the HL-LHC superconducting recombination Dipole D2 in case of helium filling failure (p. 12121)
by Rousset, B
Final design of the cryostat for the high luminosity LHC magnets (p. 12136)
by Ramos, D
Cryogenic design of the crab cavity modules for the High Luminosity LHC at CERN (p. 12146)
by Brodzinski, K
Friction stir welding of AISI 316LN high strength austenitic stainless steel for cryogenic application
by Aviles Santillana, I

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