CERN Accelerating science

Title REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Introduction to Geodesy
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Author(s) Guillaume, Sébastien (speaker) (HEIG-VD)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Document contact Contact: Massimo Giovannozzi
Imprint 2022-06-13. - 4821.
Series (Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme ; 2021-2022)
Lecture note on 2022-06-13T11:00:00
Subject category Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme


This lecture will introduce some basics in mathematical and physical geodesy. First, the mathematical foundations of the most common coordinate systems (cartesian, ellipsoidal and projective) used in geodesy are presented. Second, the reference systems and frames (celestial, terrestrial and local) used in geodesy, and their relationships, are exposed. Finally, the basic mathematical and physical foundations of physical geodesy are introduced to expose the concepts of geoid and height systems.

Short Bio Sébastien Guillaume 

Sébastien Guillaume graduated as a Geomatics Engineer in 2007 from ETH Zurich. He obtained his PhD thesis in 2015 in Physical geodesy at ETH Zurich and CERN under the supervision of Prof. Alain Geiger (ETH), Prof. Dr. Markus Rothacher (ETH) and Mark Jones (CERN). Since 2019, he is associate professor in Geodesy, GNSS and navigation at HEIG-VD in Yverdon-les-Bains. Since 2015, he is member of the Swiss Geodetic Commission and the Official Swiss Federal Surveyors Commission.

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 Záznam vytvorený 2022-06-13, zmenený 2024-06-26

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