Leading order Feynman diagrams considered in our search. Left: Resonant production of a $\PGt$ sneutrino in an RPV SUSY model that includes the subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. The $\PSgn_\PGt$ is produced from the annihilation of two down quarks via the $\lambda'_{311}$ coupling, and then decays via the $\lambda$ couplings. Middle: Resonant production of a \PZpr boson with subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. Right: Production of quantum black holes in a model with extra dimensions that involves subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors.
Leading order Feynman diagrams considered in our search. Left: Resonant production of a $\PGt$ sneutrino in an RPV SUSY model that includes the subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. The $\PSgn_\PGt$ is produced from the annihilation of two down quarks via the $\lambda'_{311}$ coupling, and then decays via the $\lambda$ couplings. Middle: Resonant production of a \PZpr boson with subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. Right: Production of quantum black holes in a model with extra dimensions that involves subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors.
Leading order Feynman diagrams considered in our search. Left: Resonant production of a $\PGt$ sneutrino in an RPV SUSY model that includes the subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. The $\PSgn_\PGt$ is produced from the annihilation of two down quarks via the $\lambda'_{311}$ coupling, and then decays via the $\lambda$ couplings. Middle: Resonant production of a \PZpr boson with subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors. Right: Production of quantum black holes in a model with extra dimensions that involves subsequent decay into two leptons of different flavors.
Invariant mass distributions for the $\Pe\PGm$ channel (upper), and collinear mass distributions for the $\Pe \PGt$ (lower left) and $\PGm \PGt$ (lower right) channels. In addition to the observed data (black points) and the SM prediction (filled histograms), the expected signal distributions for three models are shown: the RPV SUSY model with $\lambda = \lambda' = 0.01$ and $\PGt$ sneutrino mass of 1.6\TeV, LFV \PZpr ($\mathcal{B} = 0.1$) boson with a mass of 1.6\TeV, and the QBH signal expectation for $n=4$ and a threshold mass of 1.6\TeV. The bottom panel of each plot shows the ratio of data and SM prediction. The bin width gradually increases with mass.
Invariant mass distributions for the $\Pe\PGm$ channel (upper), and collinear mass distributions for the $\Pe \PGt$ (lower left) and $\PGm \PGt$ (lower right) channels. In addition to the observed data (black points) and the SM prediction (filled histograms), the expected signal distributions for three models are shown: the RPV SUSY model with $\lambda = \lambda' = 0.01$ and $\PGt$ sneutrino mass of 1.6\TeV, LFV \PZpr ($\mathcal{B} = 0.1$) boson with a mass of 1.6\TeV, and the QBH signal expectation for $n=4$ and a threshold mass of 1.6\TeV. The bottom panel of each plot shows the ratio of data and SM prediction. The bin width gradually increases with mass.
Invariant mass distributions for the $\Pe\PGm$ channel (upper), and collinear mass distributions for the $\Pe \PGt$ (lower left) and $\PGm \PGt$ (lower right) channels. In addition to the observed data (black points) and the SM prediction (filled histograms), the expected signal distributions for three models are shown: the RPV SUSY model with $\lambda = \lambda' = 0.01$ and $\PGt$ sneutrino mass of 1.6\TeV, LFV \PZpr ($\mathcal{B} = 0.1$) boson with a mass of 1.6\TeV, and the QBH signal expectation for $n=4$ and a threshold mass of 1.6\TeV. The bottom panel of each plot shows the ratio of data and SM prediction. The bin width gradually increases with mass.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the $\PGt$ sneutrino mass in an RPV SUSY model for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red and blue solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the tau sneutrino mass for two different values of the couplings.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the $\PGt$ sneutrino mass in an RPV SUSY model for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red and blue solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the tau sneutrino mass for two different values of the couplings.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the $\PGt$ sneutrino mass in an RPV SUSY model for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red and blue solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the tau sneutrino mass for two different values of the couplings.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for a \PZpr boson with LFV decays, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the \PZpr mass assuming $\mathcal{B}=0.1$ .
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for a \PZpr boson with LFV decays, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the \PZpr mass assuming $\mathcal{B}=0.1$ .
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for a \PZpr boson with LFV decays, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the \PZpr mass assuming $\mathcal{B}=0.1$ .
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for quantum black hole production in an ADD model with $n=4$ extra dimensions, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the QBH threshold mass.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for quantum black hole production in an ADD model with $n=4$ extra dimensions, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the QBH threshold mass.
Expected (black dashed line) and observed (black solid line) 95\% \CL upper limits on the product of the cross section and the branching fraction for quantum black hole production in an ADD model with $n=4$ extra dimensions, in the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits. The red solid lines show the predicted product of the cross section and the branching fraction as a function of the QBH threshold mass.
Exclusion limits at 95\% \CL on the RPV SUSY model in the plane of $\PGt$ sneutrino mass and $\lambda'$ coupling, for four values of $\lambda$ couplings. The regions to the left of and above the curves are excluded. The upper plot corresponds to the $\Pe\PGm$ channel, while the lower left and right plots show the $\Pe\PGt$ and $\PGm\PGt$ channels, respectively. The lack of a smooth behavior of the exclusion limits for high $\lambda'$ values and at high masses where there are no events is an artifact caused by the limited number of discrete mass values of the generated signal samples, in this region.
Exclusion limits at 95\% \CL on the RPV SUSY model in the plane of $\PGt$ sneutrino mass and $\lambda'$ coupling, for four values of $\lambda$ couplings. The regions to the left of and above the curves are excluded. The upper plot corresponds to the $\Pe\PGm$ channel, while the lower left and right plots show the $\Pe\PGt$ and $\PGm\PGt$ channels, respectively. The lack of a smooth behavior of the exclusion limits for high $\lambda'$ values and at high masses where there are no events is an artifact caused by the limited number of discrete mass values of the generated signal samples, in this region.
Exclusion limits at 95\% \CL on the RPV SUSY model in the plane of $\PGt$ sneutrino mass and $\lambda'$ coupling, for four values of $\lambda$ couplings. The regions to the left of and above the curves are excluded. The upper plot corresponds to the $\Pe\PGm$ channel, while the lower left and right plots show the $\Pe\PGt$ and $\PGm\PGt$ channels, respectively. The lack of a smooth behavior of the exclusion limits for high $\lambda'$ values and at high masses where there are no events is an artifact caused by the limited number of discrete mass values of the generated signal samples, in this region.
Model-independent upper limits at 95\% \CL on the product of the cross section, the branching fraction, acceptance, and efficiency are shown. Observed (expected) limits are shown in black solid (dashed) lines for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits.
Model-independent upper limits at 95\% \CL on the product of the cross section, the branching fraction, acceptance, and efficiency are shown. Observed (expected) limits are shown in black solid (dashed) lines for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits.
Model-independent upper limits at 95\% \CL on the product of the cross section, the branching fraction, acceptance, and efficiency are shown. Observed (expected) limits are shown in black solid (dashed) lines for the $\Pe\PGm$ (upper), $\Pe\PGt$ (lower left), and $\PGm\PGt$ (lower right) channels. The shaded bands represent 68\% and 95\% uncertainties in the expected limits.