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Report number FERMILAB-FN-1165-SCD ; arXiv:2204.04557
Title ROOT for the HL-LHC: data format
Author(s) Naumann, Axel (CERN) ; Canal, Philippe (Fermilab) ; Tejedor, Enric (CERN) ; Guiraud, Enrico (CERN) ; Moneta, Lorenzo (CERN) ; Bellenot, Bertrand (CERN) ; Couet, Olivier (CERN) ; Tadel, Alja Mrak (San Diego State U.) ; Tadel, Matevz ; Linev, Sergey (San Diego State U. ; Darmstadt, GSI) ; Gomez, Javier Lopez (CERN) ; Rembser, Jonas (CERN) ; Padulano, Vincenzo Eduardo (CERN) ; Blomer, Jakob (CERN) ; Hahnfeld, Jonas (CERN) ; Gruber, Bernhard Manfred (CERN) ; Vassilev, Vassil (Princeton U.)
Imprint 2022-04-09
Subject category ; Other Fields of Physics ; hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment
Abstract This document discusses the state, roadmap, and risks of the foundational components of ROOT with respect to the experiments at the HL-LHC (Run 4 and beyond). As foundational components, the document considers in particular the ROOT input/output (I/O) subsystem. The current HEP I/O is based on the TFile container file format and the TTree binary event data format. The work going into the new RNTuple event data format aims at superseding TTree, to make RNTuple the production ROOT event data I/O that meets the requirements of Run 4 and beyond.
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 Record created 2022-05-04, last modified 2024-10-18

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