Home > 4-Dimensional Trackers |
Preprint | |
Report number | arXiv:2203.13900 ; FERMILAB-CONF-22-284-PPD |
Title | 4-Dimensional Trackers |
Author(s) | Berry, Doug (Fermilab) ; Cairo, Valentina (CERN) ; Dragone, Angelo (SLAC) ; Centis-Vignali, Matteo (Fond. Bruno Kessler, Trento) ; Giacomini, Gabriele (Brookhaven) ; Heller, Ryan (Fermilab) ; Jindariani, Sergo (Fermilab) ; Lai, Adriano (INFN, Cagliari) ; Linssen, Lucie (CERN) ; Lipton, Ron (Fermilab) ; Madrid, Chris (Fermilab) ; Markovic, Bojan (SLAC) ; Mazza, Simone (UC, Santa Cruz) ; Ott, Jennifer (UC, Santa Cruz) ; Schwartzman, Ariel (SLAC) ; Weber, Hannsjörg (Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Ye, Zhenyu (Illinois U., Chicago) |
Imprint | 2022-03-25 |
Number of pages | 26 |
Note | 26 pages, contribution to Snowmass 2021 |
Presented at | 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp. |
Subject category | hep-ex ; Particle Physics - Experiment ; physics.ins-det ; Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Abstract | 4-dimensional (4D) trackers with ultra fast timing (10-30 ps) and very fine spatial resolution (O(few $\mu$m)) represent a new avenue in the development of silicon trackers, enabling new physics capabilities beyond the reach of the existing tracking detectors. This paper reviews the impact of integrating 4D tracking capabilities on several physics benchmarks both in potential upgrades of the HL-LHC experiments and in several detectors at future colliders, and summarizes the currently available sensor technologies as well as electronics, along with their limitations and directions for R$&$D. |
Other source | Inspire |
Copyright/License | preprint: (License: arXiv nonexclusive-distrib 1.0) |