CERN Accelerating science

Title Breaking the limits: short status update of the online spreadsheet solution SeaTable
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Author(s) Dyllick-Brenzinger, Christoph (speaker)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva
Imprint 2022-01-25. - 1188.
Series (HEP Computing)
(CS3 2022 - Cloud Storage Synchronization and Sharing)
Lecture note on 2022-01-25T13:40:00
Subject category HEP Computing
Abstract In this presentation I will give an overview of the improvements that happened in SeaTable in the last year. In the last 12 month SeaTable put focus on the development of a new archiving backend, that allow millions of records per base. At the same time the second priority was to add more option for data visualization and automation. SeaTable is like a lego kit that enables you to develop and build efficient business processes in the shortest possible time. SeaTable is a low code / no code platform for you and your team. There will be a second talk during CS3 with concrete examples how to use SeaTable to visualize logs and make error handling an easy task.
Copyright/License © 2022-2024 CERN
Submitted by [email protected]


 Journalen skapades 2022-02-16, och modifierades senast 2024-06-26

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