The gravitational wave and short gamma-ray burst GW170817/SHB170817A (p. 5) |
by De Rujula, Alvaro |
Classical and exotic spectroscopy at LHCb (p. 12) |
by Marangotto, Daniele |
Heavy ion physics in ATLAS and CMS (p. 13) |
by Dyndal, M |
Heavy-ion physics with the ALICE detector (p. 14) |
by Miskowiec, Dariusz |
Rare decays and tests of lepton universality at LHCb (p. 16) |
by Lisovskyi, V |
CKM measurements and $CP$ violation in charm and beauty at LHCb (p. 17) |
by Li, P |
ttX and top properties in ATLAS and CMS (p. 20) |
by Alvarez Gonzalez, Barbara |
Search for CP violation in $t \bar{t} H$ and $tH$ production in multilepton channels at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV (p. 21) |
by Ramon Alvarez, C |
Direct search for the Higgs boson to charm coupling at ATLAS (p. 25) |
by Mendes Jacques Da Costa, Antonio Manuel |
Displaced Vertex Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons with the ATLAS Detector (p. 27) |
by Trischuk, Dominique Anderson |
Heavy ion physics at ATLAS and CMS (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-025) |
by Dyndal, Mateusz |
Top quark precision measurements at the LHC (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-026) |
by Narayan, Rohin Thampilali |
Searches for Dark Matter and Long-Lived Particles in ATLAS and CMS (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-027) |
by Burr, Jon |
Search of new charged long-lived particles using the ATLAS detector with the full Run2 dataset (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-028) |
by Siral, Ismet |
SMEFT Treatment for the Higgs Boson with the ATLAS Experiment (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-029) |
by Balasubramanian, Rahul |
Displaced Vertex Search for Heavy Neutral Leptons with the ATLAS Detector (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-030) |
by Trischuk, Dominique Anderson |
Constraining the Top Yukawa Coupling in tH Production with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-031) |
by Carter, Thomas Michael |
SUSY searches at LHC (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-033) |
by Chen, Shion |
Direct Search for the Higgs Boson to Charm Quarks Coupling at ATLAS (ATL-PHYS-SLIDE-2022-034) |
by Mendes Jacques Da Costa, Antonio Manuel |
YSF: ttH and tH production in multilepton channels with CMS experiment (CMS-CR-2022-070) |
by Ramon Alvarez, Clara |
Rare Higgs decays, Higgs BSM and HH in ATLAS and CMS (CMS-CR-2022-077) |
by Gennai, Simone |
$W$-mass and $Z$-production at LHCb (LHCb-TALK-2022-024) |
by Xu, Menglin |
Classical and Exotic Spectroscopy at LHCb (LHCb-TALK-2022-025) |
by Marangotto, Daniele |
CKM & CPV in Charm and Beauty at LHCb (LHCb-TALK-2022-026) |
by Li, Peilian |
Rare decays and LFNU at LHCb (LHCb-TALK-2022-027) |
by Lisovskyi, Vitalii |
A new Scattering and Neutrino detector at the LHC (SNDLHC-TALK-2022-001) |
by Graverini, Elena |