| Measurements of the Higgs boson’s production cross-sections are an important probe of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). At CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), these measurements are challenging due to the high-background environment, where on average fewer than one in one billion proton-proton collisions produce Higgs bosons. This talk will present recent studies of gluon-gluon fusion (ggF) and vector boson fusion (VBF) Higgs production in the $H\rightarrow WW^{*}\rightarrow e\nu\mu\nu$ decay channel, using data from the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Novel analysis techniques, including a deep neural network optimized for the discrimination of VBF Higgs events, allow the first observation of the $H\rightarrow WW^{*}$ process in the VBF channel. Measurements of the total ggF and VBF cross-sections times $H\rightarrow WW^{*}$ branching ratios are complemented by measurements performed in kinematic bins called Simplified Template Cross-Sections. This talk will outline these recent precision measurements and highlight their role in rigorously testing the SM. |